European Federation of Journalists

Authors’ rights: expert group discussed new EU directive

The EFJ Authors’ rights expert group convened in Brussels on 6 February. The main issue on the agenda included the new EU directive proposal on copyright in the digital single market and its implication for authors.

Following a proposal from the European commission, the draft directive is being discussed in the European Parliament and within national member states. It needs a concrete response from journalists’ unions on several points.

One of the most positive move in the draft text is the introduction of reporting obligations for those who have been licensed or transferred journalistic works, ie media employers. While the current text needs to be strengthened, these provisions are much welcomed in a sector that seriously lacks reporting on exploitation of journalistic works. Another important article concerns the introduction of a right in publications for digital uses that would be granted to press publishers. The EFJ ask for a fair share of this remuneration. Finally, a number of exceptions to copyright must be refined.

The introduction of an unwaivable right to remuneration in the future directive could positively contribute to securing journalists’ income when works are being exploited online. The AREG will discuss this issue further in the upcoming weeks.

The EFJ encourage their affiliates to speak up in favor of journalists’ authors’ rights and join their lobbying efforts. A briefing for its member unions will be organized in Brussels on 15 March.

 Credit photo: Pamela Morinière/EFJ