Freedom of the media more important than ever

by Mogens Blicher Bjerregård – EFJ President The truth is the first victim of a conflict, and right now, we have such victims in Europe. Most recently, the amendment in the Polish media law turning publish service media into more state control. As well, the record list counts the Hungarian media law removing the self-regulation system, public service media under attack in Spain and more dramatically, journalists beaten and jailed in bunches in countries like Turkey and Azerbaijan. More state control of the media will allow more hate speech leading to propaganda as seen during the conflict between Russia and…

Digitisation at the workplace

On 23 February, the ETUC organised a workshop on digitisation for its members at national level and the European industry federations including the EFJ. Esther Lynch, ETUC Confederal Secretary explained the challenges and methods regarding the recognition of employment relationship for digital workers and the different definitions of worker and employee throughout the European Union. She asked whether the ETUC should advocate for a Directive for online platform workers. While online work in the medical sector for example is heavily regulated, most other sectors lack complete regulation. Lynch said when it comes to freelance journalists it may be more useful…