European Federation of Journalists

Slovakia: EFJ urges the President of the Republic to veto the public broadcasting bill

Slovakia's President-elect Peter Pellegrini. Picture credits: Vladimir Simicek / AFP.

Slovakia’s parliament approved the government’s planned revamp and leadership change at public broadcaster RTVS on Thursday, overruling concerns the changes will bring RTVS under political control and harm media freedom and media pluralism. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) urges Peter Pellegrini, President of the Slovak Republic to veto the public broadcasting bill. Contrary to the European legal standards, including the newly adopted European Media Freedom Act (EMFA), the new Slovak legislation risks transforming public media into government propaganda outlets.

Under the new law, RTVS’s director will be replaced years before his term expires. A nine-member supervisory council, appointed by the culture minister and parliament, will be responsible for filling the position. RTVS will also change its name to Slovak Television and Radio (STVR).

The EFJ joins the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) in considering the approval of the bill, without public consultation, as a blow to democracy and media freedom in Slovakia.

“The new law organises a pure and simple capture of public media by the ruling coalition, in defiance of the European legal standards of independence and pluralism,” said EFJ President Maja Sever. “The Slovak government is creating a propaganda organ under its total control, in terms of both management and funding. We call on the European Commission to consider the appropriate sanctions against Slovakia”.

The EFJ welcomes the announcement of an appeal to the Constitutional Court by the biggest opposition party, Progressive Slovakia (PS). The EFJ also calls on the President of the Slovak Republic, Peter Pellegrini, to veto the contested bill.