Germany: Journalists’ organisations criticise Axel Springer’s plans to cut 200 jobs

Germany’s top-selling tabloid Bild announced that it will cut about 200 jobs and close about one-third of its regional editions across the country. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joined its affiliates in Germany, the DJV and dju in ver.di, in opposing the plans of publisher Axel Springer SE and calling for no journalists to be dismissed. The move comes after the company launched a major shift to go totally digital this year. Citing an email sent to the staff on Monday 19 June 2023, The Guardian first reported that the Bild would “parting ways with colleagues who have tasks…

Open letter to the European Commission: e-influence mercenaries operating in the EU undermine access to information

Together with 17 media outlets, journalists’ and press freedom organisations, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today sent an open letter to Vice-President for Values and Transparency, Věra Jourová, and Commissioner for Internal Market, Thierry Breton, to denounce the abusive practices of some reputation management companies operating in the European Union towards journalists and access to information. Last February, the media NGO Forbidden Stories – which continues the work of assassinated journalists – published its latest investigation into disinformation mercenaries, “Story Killers”, and revealed the practices of one player in particular: Eliminalia, a Spanish reputation management company that offers to…

EMFA: EU Member States show dangerous disregard for media freedom principles

EU governments want to authorise the spying of journalists and their sources on vague grounds of “national security”. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) strongly rejects the position of the EU Council on the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) and denounces a blow to media freedom, arguing that such legislation would put journalists and their sources even more at risk. The Council reached today, 21 June 2023, an agreement on the much-needed European Media Freedom Act, a legislation proposed by the European Commission on 16 September 2022 with the intention to introduce safeguards against political interference, media concentration, and to…

Turkey: We condemn attack against journalist Sinan Aygül

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joined the undersigned media freedom, freedom of expression and human rights organizations in strongly condemning the appalling attack on journalist Sinan Aygül that took place in Tatvan, a city in eastern Turkey, on June 17. Two people were arrested the following day and charged with ‘intentional injury with a weapon’. While we welcome the swift arrests, we call upon the authorities to thoroughly investigate this crime and ensure that all those responsible, including others who may have been behind the attack, are held fully accountable. On June 17, Aygül, who is also the chairperson…

Open letter: EU Council must protect journalists against spyware and surveillance in the Media Freedom Act

The latest draft compromise text of the EU Council on the European Media Freedom Act provides for a ‘national security’ exception – introduced by France – to the general ban on deploying spyware against journalists without guarantees for the protection of sources. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joined its affiliates and other civil society organisations in urging Member States to reconsider their current position and take steps to meaningfully protect journalists and their fundamental rights. To ensure that the Regulation protects journalists and their fundamental rights, the Council must instead: eliminate the exception for “national security” restrict the list…

Italy: International journalists’ and media freedom organisations raise alarm about RAI’s independence

Following the recent resignation of the CEO and other major politically-influenced internal management changes at Radiotelevisione Italiana (RAI), the Italian public service broadcaster, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joined the undersigned organisations in expressing growing alarm about threats to the editorial independence of the broadcaster. We call on the parliament to initiate a debate aimed at reforming the governance and funding system of RAI and safeguarding its independence. On May 8, 2023, Carlo Fuortes announced his resignation from the post of CEO of RAI, citing political pressure. The high-profile resignation came amidst reports of behind-the-scenes negotiations between Fuortes and…

Switzerland: women journalists on strike for better working conditions

Switzerland will be on strike on Wednesday 14 June to demand better working conditions for women, including in the media sector. Four years after the first national feminist strike in 2019, women are still demanding better protection against harassment, more women in positions of responsibility and journalism free of sexism and racism. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) have given their full support to the Swiss unions syndicom and impressum and their members. “No women, no news – more women, more news’. This slogan with which the Swiss journalists’ unions are preparing to take to the streets to…

EU Member States should not use national security as a pretext to weaken the Media Freedom Act

The latest draft compromise text of the EU Council on the European Media Freedom Act poses serious risks to the European Union’s core democratic principles and fundamental rights, notably freedom of expression and the protection of journalists. The European Federation of Journalists reiterates its call to EU Member States to strengthen Article 4 on the rights of media service providers. The text is due to be adopted on 21 June. In its latest appeal on 2 May the EFJ together with all European major broadcasting and publishers organisations had urged Member States to show more ambition on Article 4 (about…

Open letter: e-Evidence package lacks appropriate safeguards, EU Parliament must reject it

On June 13, the European Parliament will vote on the so-called “e-Evidence” package. There are serious concerns about how this proposal would undermine people’s fundamental rights and set an unwelcome precedent for cross-border access to people’s personal data in criminal investigations. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joined civil society, doctors, lawyers and journalists’ associations, as well as internet service providers in calling on MEPs to reject the so-called “e-Evidence” package during the plenary vote on June 13. We consider that the proposed system of cross-border access to data in criminal matters would severely undermine fundamental rights. Initially proposed by…

EU Council adopts watered-down position on anti-SLAPP directive

The Council of the European Union adopted today a common position (general approach) on the so-called Anti-SLAPP directive. This legislation, proposed by the European Commission in 2022, is meant to tackle the growing problem of strategic lawsuits targeting journalists, activists, and other public watchdogs across Europe. However, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) considers that the text, which has been considerably watered down, falls far short of the legislation’s original objective: to protect journalists and the right to information in the European Union. Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs) are a form of legal harassment used to intimidate and silence…

UK: Assange closer to extradition to the US after appeal rejected by High Court

In a judgement issued on 6 June, a High Court in the UK has rejected the latest appeal by Wikileaks founder Julian Assange against an extradition order issued by the United States. The International and the European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) are appalled by the decision, which brings Assange closer to being extradited to the US where, if found guilty, he could spend the rest of his life in jail. The IFJ-EFJ renewed their call on the US government to close the case against Assange on the basis that it poses a grave threat to media freedom and the rights…

Press councils trained young journalists on digital journalism practices

Twenty-seven journalists and students from 20 EU countries were trained on digital journalism practices as part of a Master Class taking place in Brussels from 31 May to 2 June. The training was organised by the Belgian press councils CDJ and Raad voor de Journalistiek, the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) in the framework of the EU-funded project Media Councils in the Digital Age (MCDA). Journalists and journalism students aged between 19 and 30 came together to share their professional experiences, practices, and ideas on digital journalism. The event fostered an environment where…

Serbia: Support for N1 journalists facing increasing threats and intimidation

Around 30 people broke into the courtyard of Serbian television channel N1 to express their discontent with the media coverage of the channel, on 30 May 2023. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joined its affiliate the Independent Journalists Association of Serbia (NUNS) in denouncing the failure of the authorities to promptly react and calling for the safety of N1 media workers to be guaranteed. The smear campaign against N1 television has been intensified by public officials in recent weeks and culminated with a protest of about 30 people for around three hours in the courtyard of the building where…

Ukraine: Former journalist Iryna Levchenko illegally arrested in occupied Zaporizhzhia

Iryna Levchenko, a former local journalist and member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) has been illegally arrested in the occupied part of Zaporizhzhia, southeast of the country. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join their affiliate, the NUJU, in condemning the illegal arrest of Levchenko and urge the authorities of the occupied territories to immediately and unconditionally release her and all other journalists held behind bars. On 31 May, the NUJU reported the disappearance of former Ukrainian journalist and union member, Iryna Levchenko, and her husband, Oleksandr Levchenko, in the southeastern city of Melitopol, in the…

Kosovo: More attacks on journalists amid escalating tensions

A growing number of attacks on journalists and media workers have been documented in northern Kosovo since 26 May, which intensified on 29 May, following the protests that erupted in the region. The International and the European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join their affiliate, the Association of Journalists in Kosovo (AGK), in denouncing the violence targeted at media professionals and call on the competent authorities and media employers to ensure the safety of journalists reporting on the ground. Several journalists have been physically assaulted and their equipment vandalised, including the vehicles of media broadcasters, while covering the ongoing protests in…

EFJ joins RTV Slovenia journalists’ fight for independence after one year strike

23 May 2023 marked one year since the beginning of the strike at the Slovenian public broadcaster Radiotelevizija Slovenija (RTV Slovenia). The Journalists’ Union of Slovenia and the Coordination of Journalists’ Unions in RTV yesterday organised a public debate in support of the strike, to remind that the demand for a public broadcaster free from any interference is still valid. “What kind of RTV do we want?” was the theme of the public debate which invited RTV journalists and experts to reflect on the past year and the future. Solidarity messages were also sent from across borders, where journalists’ organisations, members…