Spain: Barrage of online intimidation against journalists threatens safety

The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) consortium condemns the online intimidation of investigative journalists working for La Sexta TV by Daniel Esteve, CEO of the eviction company Desokupa. Esteve’s harassment and threats to reveal personal information put the journalists’ safety at great risk. We call on the Spanish authorities to take immediate action to protect them. The undersigned organizations are deeply concerned by the threats and intimidation targeting the investigative journalism team of Equipo de Investigación, a program on Spanish private TV channel La Sexta, by Daniel Esteve, CEO and owner of the eviction company Desokupa. Between 8-15 September, Esteve…

European Union: Court’s reform a chance for open justice

As the European Parliament debates the reform of the Court of Justice of the European Union, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joins ARTICLE 19 and 17 other civil society organisations call on MEPs to support amendments mandating the right of public access to Court’s documents and documents related to its judicial proceedings. The current EU standards on access to information do not provide full transparency of the CJEU decision making, with the Decision concerning public access to documents held by the CJEU explicitly excluding access to court documents. The CJEU is increasingly required to rule on matters of a constitutional…

LM4D: How to make local reporting impactful?

The first mentorship workshop was held for the successful candidates of the Local Media for Democracy project this week. Within the project, 17 media outlets across Europe received funding and the opportunity to technically develop their media and projects to help mitigate news deserts in their regions.  The first online workshop, organised by the International Media Support (IMS), took place on 7 September. The IMS advisors Iryna Vidavana and Clare Cook led the workshop for the 12 successful applicants from around the EU. This first webinar was centred around the  common element for all projects to focus on – defining…

Turkey: Strike continues at Sputnik after 30 days

One month has passed since 24 journalists from the Russian news agency Sputnik in Istanbul and Ankara were dismissed. As members of the Journalists’ Union of Turkey (TGS), they were ready to go on strike to demand better working conditions, after negotiations on a new collective agreement failed. The strike, which has been going on for 30 days, continues. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) reiterate their solidarity with the Turkish journalists and urge Sputnik to respect labour law and provide their employees with decent working conditions. Since the beginning of the strike on 17 August 2023, Sputnik…

Poland: Polish media grapple with unprecedented challenges and uncertain future as the country faces electoral crossroads

At the conclusion of their press freedom mission to Warsaw from 11-13 September, partner organisations of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) declared that the media and journalists in Poland are facing unprecedented challenges including legal threats, financial precarity, political pressure, regulatory capture and growing polarisation. The delegation, comprised of representatives of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), ARTICLE 19 Europe, the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), Free Press Unlimited (FPU) and International Press Institute (IPI), met with editors, journalists, regulators, civil society groups, lawyers, the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights and the Ministry of…

Free Word contest: EFJ awarded prizes to Belarusian journalists

To mark International Day of Solidarity with Journalists, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) awarded the Free Word contest for independent journalists of Belarus. The awards ceremony took place on 8 September 2023 in Vilnius, Lithuania, with the support of the Lithuanian Journalists Union (LŽS). Nine journalists received awards in four categories: informative, analytical, artistic and journalistic, as well as investigative. This annual celebration was a beacon of hope amidst the challenges faced by Belarusian journalists. In her “key-note speech on challenges of independent journalism under dictatorship, during the war and in exile, EFJ Director Renate Schroeder said: “The situation in…

Malta: Government must publish Committee of Experts on Media report

The undersigned international media freedom and journalists’ organisations, including the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), today call on the government of Malta to publish without further delay the report by the Committee of Experts on Media, the body tasked with advising the Government on implementing the recommendations of the Public Inquiry into the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia. We also urge the government to launch a broad public consultation process on the draft legislation it intends to propose before presenting this legislation in parliament. It is of concern that despite having received the Committee’s report on 24 July 2023 the…

Turkey: Two journalists issued with travel bans following reporting

The Ankara 22nd Heavy Penal Court handed travel bans to Faruk Eren, President of the DİSK Basın-İş Union, and editor of the Gerçek Gündem news portal Furkan Karabay on 7 September 2023. The European and International Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) join their affiliate the Turkish Press and Printing Employees Union (DİSK BASIN-İŞ) in condemning these actions against journalists that infringe their rights and damage media freedom. Constitutional Court member Judge İrfan Fidan filed a complaint against the two journalists regarding an article published in the Gerçek Gündem news portal. The article reflected on the many controversies surrounding the 2021 appointment of Fidan…

EFJ joined international committee for an “AI Charter in Media”

Journalists and media outlets are adapting their practices to integrate more and more automated processes into their workflows. As the challenge posed by Artificial Intelligence (AI) on journalism is immense, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joined the international committee to develop a charter aimed at regulating the use of AI in media, an initiative launched by Reporters without Borders (RSF). First results are expected before the end of the year 2023. “We certainly share the same urgency of the journalists, organisations, academics and other media stakeholders to react to the opportunities and risks posed by AI technologies. While algorithms…

Belarus: Exiled journalists denied passport renewals

On September 4, Aleksandr Lukashenko‘s regime ordered the country’s embassies to stop issuing passports to citizens living abroad. A measure that will directly impact Belarusian journalists in exile and citizens who fled repression. The European and the International Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join its affiliate, the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ), in condemning the latest repressive action by the regime to crush free speech and political opposition. The Federations amplify their calls to immediately release the 33 imprisoned journalists in the country. Belarusian citizens who fled the country, including journalists and media workers in exile, are facing increased restrictions by…

EFJ joins call for an end to Russian war crimes against journalists in Ukraine

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joined the undersigned journalists, press freedom organisations, and unions, in denouncing the war crimes committed by the Russian Federation against journalists in Ukraine and calling for immediate action to hold the perpetrators accountable. Deliberately targeting journalists, shelling their facilities, and engaging in arbitrary detentions and torture clearly violate international humanitarian law and press freedom. We urge authorities to take decisive steps to address these grave violations and provide increased support for front-line reporters.  We are alarmed at the continued targeting of media workers in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The recent missile attack in Pokrovsk is…

Belarus: Solidarity with Larysa Shchyrakova, imprisoned on fabricated charges

Members of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) Steering Committee sent messages of solidarity to their colleague and friend Larysa Shchyrakova, sentenced on 31 August to 3,5 years in jail in Belarus.  “Imprisonment, torture, police brutality… those are the methods of a frightened dictator who is afraid of these brave women and men journalists who do their job and fight for the truth. To all the journalists in Belarus – we will not forsake you and we will fight for your right to work and live in freedom,” said EFJ President Maja Sever in reaction to the imprisonment of Shchyrakova,…

Poland: MFRR to visit Warsaw for press freedom mission

Partner organisations of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) will travel to Warsaw on 11-13 September 2023 to conduct an international press freedom mission ahead of the country’s upcoming general election on 15 October. The MFRR mission will be joined by representatives of the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), the International Press Institute (IPI), ARTICLE 19 Europe, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and Free Press Unlimited (FPU). Mogens Blicher Bjerregård will join the mission on behalf of the EFJ. The delegation will assess the current state of play for media freedom and pluralism and identify the…

Featured: The use of AI in electoral campaigns and its danger for democracy

The Polish opposition party Civil Platform (Platforma Obywatelska, PO) used deepfake techniques in a video imitating the voice of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. Shared on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter) on the 24th of August, the video shows a highly controversial use of the artificial intelligence segment called generative AI. With the election campaign in full swing, the PO and its leader Donald Tusk have entered a new stage of political battles: they have used AI software to mimic the Prime Minister’s voice “reading” texts he had written. Even if the sentences were Morawiecki’s, they were taken out…

Greece: Swift investigations required after two attacks against journalists

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joined the undersigned journalists’ and media freedom organisations in strongly condemning the recent attacks against Greek journalists Giorgos Papachristos and Kostas Vaxevanis and call on the authorities to swiftly investigate the attacks and ensure that those responsible are held accountable. On 29 August, Giorgos Papachristos, an editorialist and adviser at the centrist daily Ta Nea, was attacked at a football match in Athens. According to the case filed by the journalist, businessman and ship owner Yiannis Karagiorgis, backed by two bodyguards, punched him in the face and head in an unprovoked attack. Karagiorgis also…

SLAPPs increasingly threaten democracy in Europe – new CASE report

The Coalition Against SLAPPs in Europe (CASE) published the 2023 report of SLAPP cases, which the coalition monitors on a rolling basis. This second edition comprises 200+ abusive lawsuits filed after the first reporting period and a broader regional scope than in the first edition. The report scopes the situation in 35 countries, which includes increasingly troubling countries such as Georgia and Greece.  Since 2019, the CASE has worked with Amsterdam Law Clinics to catalogue and analyse SLAPP cases across Europe. In March 2022, CASE published research findings based on the analysis of over 500 SLAPP cases identified in 29…

Russia: Two journalists critical of the Kremlin allegedly poisoned in exile

Dissident journalists Elena Kostyuchenko, a former reporter for the investigative newspaper Novaya Gazeta, and Irina Babloyan, previously a journalist for the broadcaster Ekho Moskvy, believe they were poisoned in Germany and Georgia respectively in October 2022. The European and the International Federations of Journalists (EFJ-IFJ) call on the competent authorities to thoroughly investigate these disturbing allegations and bring the perpetrators to justice. The Federations urged governments to protect Russian journalists in exile. German authorities are investigating a possible poisoning on Russian journalist Elena Kostyuchenko in October 2022, the Berlin prosecutor has confirmed, according to The Guardian. The alleged attack could have…