Russia: business daily Vedomosti targeted by pro-Kremlin censorship

Journalists at Vedomosti, one of Russia’s most prominent business publications, have demanded the removal of editor in chief, Andrei Shmarov, for pro-Kremlin censorship. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joins the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ) to urge Vedomosti’s ownership to protect the independence of media professionals and respect press freedom. In March, Vedomosti was sold to Konstantin Zyatkov, the publisher of Argumenty i Fakty, a weekly newspaper owned by the Moscow government, and to the businessman Alexei Golubovich, an oligarch and former top executive at the Yukos oil company. In the following…

Journalists Jailed in Turkey

World Press Freedom Day tomorrow: 32 journalists jailed in Europe

Ahead of World Press Freedom Day (#WPFD), tomorrow, the European Federation of Journalists strongly calls for release of imprisoned journalists in Europe. With their affiliates in Turkey, Azerbaijan, Russia and Belarus, the EFJ and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) are following closely the cases of 33 imprisoned journalists in Europe. All of them are in prison just for having done their job. Together with the Helsinki Commission, the EFJ call on again the authorities of Turkey, Azerbaijan and Russia to release those journalists who remain imprisoned. We will not forget them… Turkey (follow the IFJ/EFJ campaign “Set journalists free in Turkey”)…

The IFJ and the EFJ mourn death of Ukrainian journalist

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) are deeply saddened by the death of Ukrainian journalist Sergii Nikolaiev, 43, in eastern Ukraine, on Saturday. Sergii Nikolaiev, senior photographer of Segodnya daily Ukrainian newspaper, died of wounds after an artillery attack near the village of Pesky located just 1.5 kilometer from Donetsk airport, in eastern Ukraine, on February 28. He has become the first Ukrainian journalist killed in eastern Ukraine and the seventh one of the entire journalists’ death toll of this war. Five journalists from Russia and one from Italy were killed in this war last…

Putin’s war on NGOs threatens the Mass Media Defense Centre

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and its Russian affiliate, the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ), are deeply concerned by the new threats against the Mass Media Defence Centre (MMDC), which is the only Russian NGO specialising in media law, as well as providing legal assistance and protecting media rights on a daily basis. Over the past two years, an unprecedented number of laws have been adopted in Russia which dramatically restrict the activities of all independent non-governmental organisations (NGOs). According to a law passed in 2012, Russian NGOs that receive foreign funding must declare themselves as “foreign agents”. This law threatens…

Russia: the IFJ and the EFJ call for the release of Sergei Reznik

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and their Russian affiliate, the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ) call for the release of imprisoned Russian journalist and blogger Sergei Reznik. He has been sentenced, on 22 January, in Rostov-on-Don, to additional three years in a penal colony. “While the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs was in Paris on January 11 to support freedom of expression, after the attack on Charlie Hebdo, we note once again that many journalists cannot exercise their duty to inform in Russia. We fully support our colleague and the RUJ, our Russian…

EFJ urges Russian authorities to halt advertising law on media

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) has joined the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ) today to demand the Russian authorities to halt the advertising law entering into force on 1 January 2015 and prevent the closure of independent broadcaster TV-2. The new law that has been approved by President Vladimir Putin will affect many independent Russian television channels by stripping them off their main source of income – advertising revenues. “The new law will lead to many closures of media organisations, in particular small and medium-size independent media companies,” warns Mogens Blicher Bjerregård, EFJ President, “This will lead to a…

Russian authorities evict independent TV channel from premises

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and the Russian Union of Journalists  (RUJ) today have condemned the Russian authorities for forcing the independent TV channel, TV Dozhd, out from its premises in Moscow. According to the EFJ affiliate, RUJ, this is the second time in a few months thatTV Dozhd has been evicted from its premises due to its critical reporting on the authorities and political figures. Earlier this year, TV Dozhd was forced off the air when it was dropped from the schedules of several Russian cable TV services. It is considered as the last independent voice broadcasting on a public frequency in Russia.…

(on the right) Dunja Mijatović, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media gave the keynote speech at the EFJ Annual Meeting in Moscow on 20 November. © EFJ/Yuk Lan Wong

EFJ Annual Meeting Supports Ethical Journalism in Russia

Some 53 delegates from 26 countries representing trade union organsations and professional associations of journalists at the Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) in Moscow on 21 November expressed their solidarity and full support for ethical journalism and the struggle of Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ) to defend independent journalism and the safety of journalism. The Annual Meeting commenced with a minute of silence to remember the 56 journalists who were killed for doing their jobs since 1993 in Russia. ‘‘Journalists in Russia are facing a great challenge today. We need more than ever solidarity, unity and…


Journalists’ and Media Workers’ Union (JMWU) Address JMWU, 263, rue de Paris, Case 570, 93514 Montreuil, France Profsoyuz Zhurnalistov, per. Krasina, 15 c1, 123056 Moscow, Russia Staff Co-Chair: Sofia Rusova Co-Chair: Igor Yasin Phone +7 968 906 7902 Email Contact person Andrei Jvirblis – Website Twitter @PZhurnalist