Die Panoramafreiheit nicht einzuschränken

Der Deutsche Journalisten-Verband (DJV) hat zusammen mit der Europäischen Journalisten-Föderation (EFJ) an das Europaparlament appelliert, die Panoramafreiheit nicht einzuschränken. Anlass ist die Abstimmung des Parlaments am morgigen 9. Juli über den Bericht über die Umsetzung der Urheberrechtsrichtlinie 2001/29. Darin heißt es unter Punkt 46: „Das Parlament vertritt die Auffassung, dass die gewerbliche Nutzung von Fotografien, Videomaterial oder anderen Abbildungen von Werken, die dauerhaft an physischen öffentlichen Orten platziert sind, immer an die vorherige Einwilligung der Urheber oder sonstigen Bevollmächtigten geknüpft sein sollte.“ „Dieser Passus gefährdet die Arbeit der Fotografen und Medien in Europa“, kritisierte DJV-Bundesvorsitzender Michael Konken. Für die Pressefotografen…

Protest gegen Massenentlassungen bei Ringier Axel Springer Media AG in Serbien

Die Ringier Axel Springer Media AG hat in Serbien mehr als 30 JournalistInnen entlassen. Weder wurden den Betroffenen Auffangmassnahmen angeboten noch wurde das Personal informiert, geschweige denn die Gewerkschaften konsultiert. syndicom schliesst sich dem Protest des europäischen JournalistInnenverbands EJF und der beiden serbischen Schwestergewerkschaften an und lanciert einen Appell an die Verlage. Das in Osteuropa tätige Medienunternehmen Ringier Axel Springer Media AG wird seit bald fünf Jahren als Joint Venture zwischen dem Schweizer Verlag Ringier und dem deutschen Verlag Axel Springer von Zürich aus geleitet. syndicom kritisiert die Entlassung der Festangestellten und ständigen Mitarbeitenden in Serbien und zieht Parallelen zu…

EFJ urges Russian authorities to halt advertising law on media

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) has joined the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ) today to demand the Russian authorities to halt the advertising law entering into force on 1 January 2015 and prevent the closure of independent broadcaster TV-2. The new law that has been approved by President Vladimir Putin will affect many independent Russian television channels by stripping them off their main source of income – advertising revenues. “The new law will lead to many closures of media organisations, in particular small and medium-size independent media companies,” warns Mogens Blicher Bjerregård, EFJ President, “This will lead to a…


Awareness raising for freedom to publish

The EFJ has today welcomed in Brussels a delegation composed from the Turkish Publishers Association, the Swedish Publishers‘ Association, the International Publishers Association and EMHRN. The working group’s agenda was focused on the legal framework in terms of freedom to publish in Europe, examples of restrictions and bans in the EU countries, the experience of European organizations in terms of freedom to publish in the context of the Western Balkans enlargement. The working group compared strategies, discussed concrete examples of advocacy tactics and ways to monitor the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice…

Nils Muiznieks

Human Rights Commissioner’s report critical of Hungary’s media freedom

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) has welcomed today the report on Hungary by the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, Mr. Nils Muižnieks, criticising the country’s bad media freedom records and calling for changes to the media law. Judit Acsay, the Vice-President of the EFJ affiliate in Hungary (MÚOSZ), says “the report accurately summarises the state of media freedom in Hungary. I hope this will put pressure on the government to push for changes.” The report published today (16/12/2014) after Mr. Muižnieks’s visit to Hungary in July 2014 has examined various aspects relating to human rights…

Journalists detained in Turkey… again !

Police forces in Turkey have today (14/12/2014) raided media outlets (Zaman newspaper and Samanyolu Television) known to be close to a US-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gülen. At least 23 people, including journalists and television producers, have been detained so far in Istanbul and elsewhere in the country and are apparently being accused of forming a criminal organization. Commenting this new operation, the Secretary General of the Journalists Union of Turkey (TGS, an EFJ affiliate) Mustafa Kuleli reminded that „this operation is performed just a few days before the first anniversary of the bribery and corruption scandal (known as „17 December“…

The EFJ delegation (on the right) including General Secretary Ricardo Gutierrez, President Mogens Blicher Bjerrregård, Director Renate Schroeder met with the European Commission First Vice-President Frans Timmermans and his cabinet. © EFJ

EC First Vice-President backs journalists to promote quality journalism and reinstall journalism as a public good

(Brussels, 28 November 2014) The First Vice-President of the European Commission, Mr. Frans Timmermans, has told a delegation from the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) that sustaining quality journalism and putting Europe’s media freedom back on track will be high on his agenda. Mr Timmermans, the First Vice-President who is also the EU Commissioner in charge of Better Regulation, Inter-Institutional Relations, Rule of Law and Charter of Fundamental Rights highlighted that the financial crisis in the European media industry is affecting journalists‘ rights, jobs and journalism as a public good. „Preserving reliable and quality information is an existential question for…

77 % of journalists in Macedonia work under constant risk of being fired

„In Macedonia, only 1 % of journalists consider their jobs to be absolutely secure while 77 % believe that they are under constant risk of being fired. Raising the issue and the consequences of the insecure or precarious work in the media industry is more than necessary“, shows a new survey published today (24/11/2014) in Skopje by the SSNM (Independent Union of Journalists and Media Workers, an EFJ affiliate). The study based on 104 in-depth interviews with local journalists has been presented by SSNM President Tamara Chausidis during a conference on „Precarious Work in the Media Industry“ attended by SSNM…

#EFJAM: „to portray the truth with our pen“

Our job is neither to please nor to harm anyone; our job is to portray the truth with our pen … What Albert Londres, a French journalist and one of the founding father of investigative journalism, said has captured the spirit of the Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Journalist which will be held  at the House of Journalist in Moscow this Friday 21 and Saturday 22 of November. While the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) held its last World Congress in Istanbul, the EFJ will hold its Annual Meeting in the capital of Russia. The goal is to…

Media Integrity Matters

EU & Public service values in the Western Balkans media

On 18/11/2014, a conference entitled „Media Integrity Matters – Reclaiming public service values in the Western Balkans media: How should the European Union Respond ?“ has been organized in Brussels by MEP Tanja Fajon. The event was a follow-up to the publication of the book “Media integrity matters“ in June 2014, comprising the research conducted in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia. The study aims at addressing the obstacles to a democratic development of media systems in the countries of South East Europe/Western Balkans by pointing out corrupt relations and practices in media policy, media ownership and financing,…

Mediane Box for Media Diversity officially launched in Brussels

On 12 – 14 November, the Council of Europe (CoE) has launched a new toolbox for media professionals at the final encounter of a EU and CoE funded project on Media in Europe for Diversity Inclusiveness (MEDIANE) with partnering organistions* including the European Federation of Journalists. The toolbox called “MEDIANE Box” was developed based on the hundreds of media professionals who have participated throughout the two-year project led by the CoE. The MEDIANE Box aims at supporting media professionals to include diversity in their daily work and production. It is considered as a self-monitoring tool to monitor the capacities of the media and…