La FEJ publie un guide de transposition de la directive sur les lanceurs d’alerte

La Fédération européenne des journalistes (FEJ) a lancé le 4 février 2020 au Parlement européen sa nouvelle publication sur la transposition de la directive européenne des lanceurs d’alertes. L’événement était co-organisé par Free Press Unlimited (FPU) et Whistleblowing International Network (WIN), à l’invitation de la députée européenne Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield (Verts/ALE). L’auteur, Mary Inman, avocate internationale, a présenté des recommandations concrètes sur les articles clés pour les journalistes. Intitulé “Mise en oeuvre de la nouvelle directive sur la protection des lanceurs d’alerte : un guide de transposition pour les journalistes”, le guide vise à fournir aux organisations de journalistes des informations…

TTIP: la FEJ adresse une plainte à l’Ombudsman de l’UE

Ce matin, la Fédération européenne des journalistes, ClientEarth, l’organisation European Environmental Bureau, Les Amis de la Terre Europe, et Corporate Europe Observatory ont soumis conjointement une plainte à l’Ombudsman européen concernant la mauvaise gestion, par la Commission européenne, de notre demande d’accès aux documents relatifs au Traité transatlantique sur le commerce et l’investissement (TTIP). Les plaignants se sont félicités de la décision du médiateur européen, datant du 6 janvier 2015, qui autorise les enquêtes individuelles sur la transparence des négociations et de la consultation publique du TTIP. Nous constatons par ailleurs que le 7 janvier 2015 la Commission a ajouté…

EFJ mission to Ukraine, November 2014

(20.11.2014) The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) has carried out a mission to Ukraine on 6 – 8 November to investigate the situation facing journalists reporting in conflict areas. Yannis Kotsifos, a member of the EFJ Steering Committee has visited the EFJ affiliates (NUJU and IMTUU) in Kiev to understand the challenges they face in protecting their journalists. ” Since the political crisis in Ukraine broken out in November 2013, journalists have been at the heart of these events covering violent demonstrations, clashes and armed conflict. They have been shot at, assaulted, kidnapped, arrested, abused and killed. They have been…

EFJ Study Confronting Austerity 2014

EFJ Publishes Study on Confronting Austerity in Journalism

(2014) ‘‘Journalists’ and their organisations must be the driving force for the future of journalism’’ – this is the notion highlighted in the study published by the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today about finding ways to sustain quality journalism. Authored by Andreas K. Bittner, the study on Confronting Austerity: Financial and Employment Models in Journalism was the result of a one-year project carried out by the EFJ to find out how journalists and their organisations can confront the crisis and respond to / take advantage of the rapidly changing media landscape.  Responses collected from 42 EFJ affiliates across Europe…

Managing change in journalism: innovation and trade unions in the news industry

(2011) The media industry is undergoing a revolutionary change. Only few actors attempt to untangle the changing relationship and deal with some important questions raised over the quality of journalism and the increasingly volatile working conditions faced by journalists. The report Managing Change in Journalism published by the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) attempts to answer these questions through a thorough analysis of a drastically changing media environment. Download the report