European Federation of Journalists

Stand Up for Journalism

The media industry in Europe has been experiencing and adapting itself to a sea of changes in the past decades due to the digital transformation. While the media industry has adapted to these challenges, the situation took a drastic turn following the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and the industry has been severely hit. While the pandemic has accelerated these changes rapidly, journalists, the media, and journalists’ unions are yet to catch up with and adapt to the changes.

Against this background, this project has its general objectives to improve the capacity of national journalists’ unions and associations in addressing challenges brought by the digital transformation in the media; and the compounding impacts of Covid-19 pandemic as well as the recent economic, social and political crisis brought by the Russian-Ukraine war.

Fair and decent working conditions are far from the reality without stronger journalists’ unions and associations to defend the rights of journalists. Therefore, the focus of the project is on the capacity of journalists’ unions in collective bargaining, workers’ representation (especially freelance / atypical workers), and engaging in social dialogues. The target groups are journalists’ unions and associations in the EU and candidate countries.

These objectives will be achieved through four main activities :

1) A series of 5 thematic, capacity-building workshops. The themes of the workshops will focus on:

  • Collective bargaining in times of crisis (Istanbul, Turkey), 
  • Online harassment and better protection of journalists (Belgrade, Serbia), 
  • Equal rights for freelances (TBC),
  • Well-being and burnout in journalism (Vichy, France),
  • Organising in the age of AI (Copenhagen, Denmark).

2) National capacity building-programmes with national partners who are chosen for their regional representativeness: NUNS (Serbia), TUMM (Montenegro), DJ (Denmark), TGS (Turkey), SNJ-CGT (France). It aims to improve the capacity building of the partners with tailor-made programme to their needs. The national partners will produce and implement a national capacity-building plan focusing on key strategic issues (i.e. collective bargaining, organising/recruitment or social dialogue).

3) Two research studies. The objective is to identify relevant cases of European journalists who have experienced online harassment on online social platform and developing good practices and recommendations on the topics of mental health and burnout in journalism and online harassment to open social dialogues with online social platforms, policymakers, media managers and trade unions.

4) A final conference for a wider European exchange and dissemination.




This project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


Call for tender: Stand Up for Journalism

The EFJ is looking for a subcontractor to provide expertise as part of the implementation of the EFJ project entitled Stand Up for Journalism.  This programme is funded by the European Commission (DG Employment). The deadline for submission of bids is Friday 14 June 2024. Find more information here

Labour Day 2024 : EFJ calls on employers, decision-makers and the public to stand up for journalism

On Labour Day 2024, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) is calling on a broad alliance of civil society – readers and listeners, journalists’ organisations and associations, academics, and media freedom NGOs – to stand up for journalism and convince employers and decision makers that the protection of journalists and journalism is essential to democracy. “Europe’s information ecosystem is at a crossroads. Misinformation and filter bubbles, oligarchic media capture and unprecedented attacks on journalists amid their subjection to precarious working conditions — all are leading to a brain drain from the industry. This could have a devastating impact on the…

EFJ and union members kick off new project on capacity-building and social rights for journalists

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) launched its new project “Stand Up for Journalism (SUJ)” in Brussels, on 22 April 2024. The kick-off meeting was attended by representatives of journalists unions and associations from Denmark, France, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey, the project partners, and affiliated entities European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and Eurocadres.  The project is led by the EFJ and will be financially supporting six partners, journalists’ unions and associations in the EU and candidate countries: NUNS (Serbia), TUMM (Montenegro), DJ (Denmark), TGS (Turkey), SNJ-CGT (France), all of them being EFJ members. Stand Up for Journalism is an EU-funded project with…