La Belgique arrête un journaliste kurde sur requête de la Turquie

Mise à jour (23/12/2016): Maxime Azadi a été remis en liberté ce vendredi 23 décembre par la chambre du conseil de Turnhout en échange du paiement d’une caution. ——————– Le journaliste kurde connu sous le nom de Maxime Azadi a été arrêté en Belgique par les forces de l’ordre, jeudi dernier, lors d’un contrôle de routine. Son avocat, Me Luc Walleyn, a confirmé l’information à l’agence Belga, ce mardi. Maxime Azadi dirige l’agence de presse kurde Firat News (ANF), établie aux Pays-Bas. Il tient également le blog Au-delà de l’information, sur la plateforme Mediapart. Il aurait été arrêté par la police belge à…

Journalistes turcs de « Cumhuriyet »: une délégation française reçue au Quai d’Orsay

Dilek Dündar (notre photo), l’épouse de Can Dündar, le rédacteur en chef du quotidien turc d’opposition « Cumhuriyet », emprisonné depuis le 26 novembre avec son confrère Erdem Gül, a été reçue lundi au Ministère français des affaires étrangères. Mme Dündar était accompagnée d’une délégation de journalistes turcs et de représentants des syndicats de journalistes français,membres des Fédérations internationale et européenne des journalistes. Lors de cette réunion, tenue en présence du porte-parole du Quai d’Orsay Romain Nadal, Mme Dündar a souligné la « situation alarmante » qui prévaut en Turquie pour la liberté de la presse et en particulier pour les deux journalistes de « Cumhuriyet », accusés d’espionnage,…

Journalists stage protest outside Downing Street for press freedom in Turkey

The National Union of Journalists (NUJ), an EFJ affiliate in the United Kingdom, has staged a protest today outside the Downing Street in London calling for press freedom in Turkey. Barry White, NUJ representative to the European Federation of Journalists  said « The government  must not remain silent to these abuses. Last year saw a drop in the number of journalists in prison, a welcome move, but this latest attack by the authorities shows that they have come back for more. We will continue to campaign for freedom of expression and the right to report by standing in solidarity with our…

Journalists detained in Turkey… again !

Police forces in Turkey have today (14/12/2014) raided media outlets (Zaman newspaper and Samanyolu Television) known to be close to a US-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gülen. At least 23 people, including journalists and television producers, have been detained so far in Istanbul and elsewhere in the country and are apparently being accused of forming a criminal organization. Commenting this new operation, the Secretary General of the Journalists Union of Turkey (TGS, an EFJ affiliate) Mustafa Kuleli reminded that « this operation is performed just a few days before the first anniversary of the bribery and corruption scandal (known as « 17 December »…

KCK Press case monitoring

Turkey: KCK Press case sent to the Constitutional Court

The 3rd High Criminal Court in Istanbul has today (05/11/2014) proceed to the hearing of the KCK Press trial where 46 journalists and media workers are being prosecuted for being a member or doing propaganda work on behalf of an illegal terrorist organisation. The European Federation of Journalists’ (EFJ) Project Officer Mehmet Koksal, the International Publishers Association (IPA)’s Director José Borghino and the head of Istanbul Branch of the Journalists Union of Turkey (TGS) Gökhan Durmus have attended the hearing in solidarity with the accused journalists. During the court hearing, the defendants lawyers argued about the unconstitutionalilty of the current…

TGS-EFJ Kicks Off First Capacity Building Workshop

(26-27.04.2014) The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and its affiliate in Turkey, the Journalists Union of Turkey (TGS for Türkiye Gazeteciler Sendikasi), organised the first workshop for a two-year project called “Press Freedom and Empowering the Journalists Trade Union Movement in Turkey”. The project is funded by the EIDHR (European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights) of the European Commission. The workshop covered the issues on union capacity-building, recruitment strategies, legal assistance and the TGS-EFJ campaign for the freedom of imprisoned journalists. The workshop also discussed the preparation of a major international conference for 2016. Renate Schroeder (EFJ Director) and Mehmet Koksal…