European Federation of Journalists
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Journalist workshop European Ideas Lab

Bruxelles Environnement Tour & Taxis, Avenue du Port 86C / 3000, Brussels

The European Ideas Lab is about bringing change-makers together to understand the struggles we face, to share our thoughts - and to see how we can potentially help each other to make the changes we all want to see. The Greens/EFA group has invited organizations, movements and individuals dedicated to making changes in the fields of democracy, migration, urban issues, social justice, green economy and the environment. But the Greens/EFA group also want to look at the role of the media and what we can learn from new ideas of investigative an quality journalism and how we as politicians can…

European ideas lab: Greens meet changemakers

Brussels Brussels

Workshop on: Quality Journalism (This workshop is for journalists only!) Hosts: Rebecca Harms and Jan Phillip Albrecht How do we deal with social media becoming a more and more important source of information? In times "post -truth" is word of the year and many people think facts can be better replaced by emotions, how can you still ensure quality journalism? How is it possible to distinguish fake from real news? How has the role of media changed in the last years? What can be recipes to counter propaganda? What can be organisational concepts and what should the role of politics…