European Federation of Journalists

Austria: Journalists’ union (GPA-djp) demands fair play from media employers

Vienna: After the first bargaining round for a collective agreement in the daily and weekly newspaper sector, its supplements and editorial digital services for employed journalists, technical workers and freelances, there has not been any consensus with the Austrian Publishers Association (VÖZ). The chairman of the GPA-djp Franz C. Bauer said:

There is a shadow over the positive agreement we negotiated last year with the employers. We had agreed that for the next bargaining round we would focus on freelances – our demand for a adequate rise of the fee per line was however refused by the employers.“

The next round is on 7 May  and according to the GPA-djp the employers owe the freelance workers fair play.

The union also prepared a petition for freelances and signatures are being collected in the media companies which demand better fees for freelances.

At the moment the fee is 34,50 Euro for 1000 characters. The union is requesting an increase to 36,50€.

For further information in German, please click HERE at the Union’s website

(Photo: © GPA-djp)