European Federation of Journalists

Project Management for Trade Union Representatives

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) together with the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) will organise a four-day workshop on “Project Management for Trade Union Representatives” from 23 to 26 February 2016 in Zagreb, Croatia. The workshop is hosted by the EFJ member, the Croatia Journalists’ Association.

The workshop targets at project officers or managers at your union and association who implement projects funded by the EU with the overall aim to improve their skills and capacities in project managements and developing projects for the future to carry out their programmes.

  • Aims :

– To provide an introduction to projects and project work

– To provide a basis for progression to more advanced courses

– To familiarise participants with some basic approaches and tools which could be helpful beyond formal project work

– To stimulate interest in and enthusiasm for developing project work

  • Draft programme :Capture d’écran 2015-12-11 à 10.53.50
  • Participants

The workshop is limited to 20 participants and a participation fee is applied. Participants must complete the four day workshop. Priorities will be given to EFJ members who are or have prior experience in implementing EU-funded projects.  Deadline for registration is on 8 January 2016.

To register, please complete the registration form and send it back to NDEVITS@ETUI.ORG before the deadline.