EFJ participates in European trade union informal network on digitisation
(7 October 2016) European trade union federations (ETUFs) informal network on digitialization met to exchange view on following topics:
- The need to regulate on right to disconnect through collective bargaining and other legal instruments
- Surveillance of data of employees at the workplace, analysis patterns and rating platforms of employers
- The link between digitalisation and gender equality
- Online-Platforms and the “sharing economy” with atypical forms of workers as crowdworking, freelancers and the need for framework for employee protection and equal treatment, collective bargaining and fighting undeclared work
- Digital integration of value chains
- The Copyright Reform and Intellectual Property Rights and the concept of fair contracts for authors and journalists
- The need for continuous professional development and assessing psycho-social risks
- Health and safety issues and working time;
- Question of liability when it comes to the use of artificial intelligence;
- Recruiting online workers, crowd-workers; online platforms;
- European Commission Digital Skills Initiative;
- ETUC resolution on fair digital work
Present were representatives of EPSU (public service), host ETUCE (Education), Eurocadres, ETUC, Uni-Europa, Industriall, EFJ, and ETUI.
Photo: (c) EPSU