European Federation of Journalists

EU Fundamental Rights Agency developed database on EU Charter

The Fundamental Rights Agency of the European Union (FRA) developed resources on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, including the Charterpedia database and a handbook giving guidance on the use and scope of the Charter at national level.

  • Charterpedia

Charterpedia is an online tool which provides information on the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. For each article, information can be found on related case law by national courts, the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights, law references and explanations. Click here to read more about the articles 11 and 12 on the freedom of expression and information as well as freedom of assembly and association.

  • Handbook

Published in 2018, the handbook aims to foster better understanding of the Charter. It was designed for governments, parliaments, regional and local authorities but also individuals working in courts and human rights institutions in the EU Member States. A general introduction will help readers who are not yet well versed in EU law. The second part provides practical tools with checklists to check if a (draft) national act is in line with the Charter, for example.