Invitation to the European Forum on self-regulation in the digital age (Brussels, 21-22 January 2020)
The Belgian Press Council (Conseil de déontologie journalistique – CDJ) invites you to a European interactive forum on the occasion of its 10th anniversary, to take place in Brussels on 21-22 January 2020. It will bring together media, journalists, press councils, journalists’ unions and associations and will address challenges of journalistic self-regulation in the digital age.
Press councils and self-regulatory mechanisms – usually tripartite involving journalists, media representatives and the civil society – plays an ever-important role in upholding standards in journalism while preventing state intervention through media regulations. The forum will raise awareness about the added-value of self-regulation and will highlight the contemporary stakes of journalistic ethics, in particular dealing with political interference, disinformation and the role of social media.
This event is part of the EU-funded pilot project Media Councils in the Digital Age, managed by a European consortium led by the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) together with the press and media councils in Austria (OP), Finland (JSN), Germany (TDP), Ireland (PCI), Belgium (RVJ, AADJ/CDJ) and two universities (Université Libre de Bruxelles and Fundació Blanquerna), in partnership with the UNESCO.
Please find the draft agenda here
21 January 2020 and 22 January 2020
International Press Center Résidence, Palace – Rue de la Loi, 155 (1040 Brussels)
Participation is free of charge but registration is compulsory: register here
The number of seats is limited.
For more information, please contact Véronique Waterschoot
communication(at) / +32 2 280 25 14