The Press Freedom Police Codex launches in France
In recent weeks, there has been an escalation in the incidences of violence by police against journalists, especially in France. There could not be a better time to establish a dialogue between the groups and to work towards stopping the violence.
This is why the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) has joined the French Union of Journalists of the Confédération générale du travail (SNJ-CGT), to launch its Press Freedom Police Codex in Paris. The codex was developed by ECPMF and partner organisations based on research conducted across Europe on the situation of journalists. ECPMF teamed up with the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), Index on Censorship, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT), Ossigeno per I’informazione, and the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) to develop the eight-point Press Freedom Police Codex.
With these guidelines, ECPMF and SNJ-CGT aim to initiate dialogue between police, the Interior Ministry, journalists and media freedom organisations in France in order to stop violence and de-escalate the situation, to clarify the definition of journalism, to allow journalists to conduct their work in peace and build mutual respect.
EFJ Director Renate Schroeder, Peter Smets from the European Confederation of Police Federation (EUROCOP), two French journalists’ unions (SNJ and SNJ-CGT), as well as several journalists including, Emma Audrey (Radio Bip/Media 25), Taha Bouhafs (Là-bas si j’y suis), Jean Segura (La Meute photographie) will join the discussion and the press conference.
Join us for the launch of the Press Freedom Police Codex at a press conference in Paris
On: Wednesday 22 January 2020
At: Bourse du travail, salle Petit congrès, 1er étage,
Annexe Varlin, 85 rue Charlot – 75003 Paris
Time: 14:00 – 17:00
14:00: Round-table on the media situation in France
15:00: Round-table on the Press Freedom Police Codex
16:00: Press conference with Q&A from the floor
To attend the event please email Johanna Silva/Pablo Aiquel
Requests for interviews can be directed to Pablo Aiquel:
Tel. : +33
And the ECPMF press office:
Tel.: +49341 200 403 17