Montenegro: EFJ calls for action over unlawful RTCG Director appointment

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and its Montenegrin affiliate, the Trade Union of Media in Montenegro (SMCG), express concerns about the way the Director-General of the Public Service RTCG has been elected on 31 August 2024. The organisations call on all relevant institutions, primarily the Labor Inspectorate, to take action as soon as possible to clarify the situation in which Boris Raonić has become the Director-General of the Public Service for the third time. The Montenegrin parliamentarians ignored the appeals sent to them before the adoption of the amendments to the Law on RTCG, which were related to the…

Poland: EFJ and IFJ condemn continued political interference in public broadcasting

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and the International Federations of Journalists (IFJ) condemn the repeated interference of political parties from all sides in the management of public broadcasting in Poland. On Saturday, Polish President Andrzej Duda, an ally of Poland’s former ruling populists, said he would veto state media subsidies proposed in a budget-related bill as part of a row over the government’s reform of state media. The veto will escalate a growing stand-off between Duda and the new pro-EU government of Prime Minister Donald Tusk. The IFJ and EFJ call on political decision-makers to refrain from direct political…

Italy: New amendment aims to prohibit publication of pre-trial detention orders

The Italian Chamber of Deputies approved on 11 December an amendment to article 114 of the Criminal Procedure Code (Codice di Procedura Penale) on the publication of judicial documents. If the amendment is passed by the Senate, journalists would not have the right to publish extracts or full pre-trial detention orders until after the proceedings (including the reasons behind the pre-trial detention, and the precautionary measures – restrictions on movements, house arrests or imprisonment).  This amendment is not a requirement in the EU legislation, which limits itself to the obligation to recognising the presumption of innocence until, and if, the…

Northern Cyprus: Basin Sen union leader faces heavy jail charges for criticising Turkish politics

Update (27.12.2023): the trial has been postponed to 24 December 2024. Ali Kişmir, president of the Cyprus Turkish Journalists’ Union (Basin-Sen) will face on 28 December a trial for an opinion article he published on social media back in 2020 in which he criticised the politics of the “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.”  Accused of  “insulting and mocking” the security forces, he faces up to 10 years in prison. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) both stand with Kişmir and urge the authorities of Northern Cyprus to withdraw charges against him. In 2020,…

Feature: Local journalism that contributes to social progress

Local media and community outlets have at the core of their works the social issues they strive to impact. The latest LM4D blog post by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF) explores the social integration efforts of local news. Researchers Urbano Reviglio and Danielle Borges explore social integration techniques by local and community media outlets in the EU. They spotlight specific best practices from “street newspapers”, newspapers or magazines targeted at people in marginalised communities. Innovative responses offered by local media outlets are essential to survive the harsh competition of the attention economy. While local and community…

Netherlands: NVJ wins pay rise for freelance and employed journalists

The Dutch Association of Journalists (NVJ) reached an agreement on Monday 18 December 2023 with the two main employers, DPG and Mediahuis, on pay rises for both freelance and employed journalists. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) welcomes the agreement, which will improve journalists’ working conditions in the Netherlands in a context of falling purchasing power caused by inflation. Work stoppages took place in recent months to put pressure on the negotiations under the slogan “Give us back our wages”. In October, some news editorial teams stopped work and took a “coffee break”, while in November, some media websites were…

Local media and journalist groups awarded half a million to improve local reporting

The Local Media for Democracy project (LM4D) is supporting 25 small media outlets and freelance journalist groups from around Europe in the second round of funding. They will receive a total of  €667,854 funding as well as mentorship to strengthen their reach and funding models so that they can better serve their local communities. The 25 media outlets and journalist groups are from: Bulgaria (1), Czech Republic (3), France (2), Greece (1), Latvia (1), Lithuania (2), Poland (6), Portugal (3), Romania (3), Slovakia (1), Slovenia (2) and Spain (1).  The jury, whose identities are anonymous, selected initiatives that operate in…

EFJ welcomes agreement on European Media Freedom Act

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) welcomes the adoption on Friday of the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA), the final version of which no longer refers to the possibility of spying on journalists on the basis of vague “national security” imperatives. This is a victory for all defenders of press freedom and democracy. Pending an in-depth analysis of the text of the agreement and the precise guarantees it puts forward to protect journalistic sources, the EFJ would like to thank the key players in the trilogue negotiations, European Commission Vice-President Vera Jourova, Spanish Culture Minister Ernest Urtasun, and MEPs Sabine…

Italy: another government attempt to silence Domani’s investigative reporting

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today joined the Federazione Nazionale Stampa Italiana (FNSI) in contesting injunction threats against daily Domani by undersecretary at the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies Claudio Durigon. We believe that the Italian government is threatening the newspaper to hinder its activities of investigative reporting. Undersecretary Durigon reportedly threatened Domani for a third time, following an inquiry on the alleged purchase of his property in Rome at a discounted rate from agricultural social security agency ENPAIA. Domani reported on December 12 that Durigon requested a payment of 200,000 euros plus 500 euros daily until…

First of its kind: Voices, the European Festival of Journalism and Media Literacy comes to Florence in 2024

Today marks the kick off of the countdown for Voices, the European Festival of Journalism and Media Literacy. The event will take place at the Leopolda Station in Florence on 15-16 March 2024 and is a joint initiative of seven European organisations, led by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF) at the European University Institute.  “As we live in a world where information is in abundance, but accurate news is not always easy to find, journalism and media literacy become key tools to ensure informed citizenship and democracy. This inaugural edition aims at bringing citizens, journalists and…

Slovakia: we urge president to halt attempts to undermine the public broadcaster’s independence

In an open letter, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), Reporters Without Borders (RSF), the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and other press freedom and journalists’ organisations ask the parliament and the president to reject the government-approved cut in RTVS’s funding by 30%. The drastic drop as well as the poorly justified plan to divide the public broadcaster into separate radio and television companies risk undermining the media’s independence, running contrary to the European standards and threatening media freedom in Slovakia. Open letter to: President of the Slovak Republic Zuzana Čaputová Members of the National Council of the Slovak Republic Dear…

EMFA: seven EU member states want to legalise spying on journalists

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) strongly condemns the request by seven governments to legalise spying on journalists through the EU Media Freedom Act. The EFJ calls on the European Parliament and the European Commission to reject this illiberal and repressive request. The negotiations on the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) are coming to an end. On Friday 15 December, the last trilogue will only deal with Article 4 of EMFA and the deployment of spyware against journalists. In the meantime, Investigate Europe, Disclose and Follow The Money revealed documents, showing that some governments (France, Italy, Malta, Greece, Cyprus, Sweden,…

Ninety-four journalists killed in 2023, says IFJ

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) records that 94 journalists and media workers, including 9 women, have been killed in 2023. Since 7 October, more than one journalist a day has lost their lives during the war in Gaza, a scale and pace of loss of media professionals’ lives without precedent. Publishing ahead of International Human Rights Day, on the 10th December, the IFJ insists that far greater action is required from the international community to safeguard journalists’ lives and hold to account their attackers. This year, like 2022, was marked by the deaths of journalists in war. In 2023 …

Italy: Solidarity with journalist Emilio Orlando, threatened with death

An envelope containing a bullet was sent to Italian journalist Emilio Orlando, whose investigations on the Roman mafia had already made him the target of threats. The letter was delivered to the Roman Trade Union of Journalists (Sindacato dei Cronisti Romani, SCR), a local branch of the FNSI. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joins its affiliate the FNSI in expressing solidarity with the reporter. In the envelope, discovered on 28 November, the police found a 357 Magnum calibre bullet and a note: “This (bullet) is one of the six that we will stick in the head of the bast***…

Hungary: Draft Sovereignty Protection Act poses fresh threat to independent media

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joins other partners of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) today to alert the European Union about the chilling impact that the Hungarian ruling party’s proposed Sovereignty Protection Act will have on what remains of the country’s embattled independent media community. Our organisations stress that while media are not named directly within the text of the draft bill, the intentionally vague language and broad scope for application of the proposed law would effectively open the door to state-sponsored pressure on those media which receive foreign funding and produce journalism critical of the government. The…

EFJ takes part in the Belmarsh Tribunal on Julian Assange

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and its president Maja Sever are proud to partner on the Belmarsh Tribunal on Julian Assange at the National Press Club in Washington DC, next Saturday, 9 December. The extradition case against Julian Assange, who is a member of 20 European journalists’ organisations, is now entering its final phase and the international pressure for his freedom is mounting. From Presidents and Prime Ministers to Nobel Peace Prize winners, the international community is crying out against the injustice of Assange’s prosecution and its implication for press freedom worldwide. On 2 October 2020, Progressive International launched…

EMFA: Protection of journalists and their sources must be in line with human rights standards

As the negotiations on the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) are drawing to a close, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today co-signed a letter to the policymakers calling for international standards to be respected on the protection of journalistic sources (Article 4). Considered a basic condition for press freedom by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), the protection of sources risks being weakened by EU Member States. The signatories are deeply concerned about the chilling effect that could ensue if the final text maintains the paragraph to the national security responsibilities of Member States and sets conditions for…