European Federation of Journalists


+ EFJ Manifesto
The EFJ Manifesto presents 10 points for a better journalism. More than 50 elected MEP’s have signed it.
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Turkey : Set Journalists Free
In 2010, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) launched an international campaign to set free all journalists in Turkey.
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Women’s Reporting Point
Many journalists get attacked because of their profession. But female journalists often have to face different forms of violence than men: threats of rape or sexual and abusive comments are gender-based and hit women more often. The EFJ together with ECPMF has launched an alarm centre for female media workers, where they can inform the Centre about attacks against them and seek help or advice.
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 RTEmagicC_unfair_logo_EN_01.jpg Fair Contracts for Journalists
The IFJ/EFJ have launched a European wide campaign against right-grabbing contracts and demanding fair payments to journalists.
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