European Federation of Journalists

Impunity is on the rise in Europe: governments must take action

While the number of journalists killed has fallen sharply in Europe compared to last year, the number of cases of impunity for murder continues to rise. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) currently counts 48 unpunished crimes in 13 countries. To mark International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists on November 2, 2023, the EFJ calls states to take concrete action to end impunity for these crimes. 48 murders and assassinations of journalists go unpunished in Europe: 16 in Kosovo, 7 in Russia, 6 in Ukraine, 6 in Turkey, 3 in Serbia, 2 in Greece, 2 in Azerbaijan, 1…

French reporters based abroad warn of their working conditions: “Protect us!”

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) fully supports the appeal made to the French authorities by more than 180 foreign correspondents of the French media. The EFJ joins its affiliates in France, SNJ, SNJ-CGT and CFDT-Journalistes, in calling on the authorities and employers to take concrete action in favour of these journalists. Here is their appeal: On the occasion of the official launch of the “Etats généraux de l’information” on 3 October in France, more than 180 current and former foreign reporters and correspondents based abroad are calling on the French authorities to address the deterioration in our working conditions.…

Call for solidarity in Brussels with the Ukrainian “soldiers of truth”

A tribute to the 73 journalists (*) who lost their lives during the Russian full scale invasion of Ukraine. That’s how Sergiy Tomilenko, the president of NUJU, the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine, referred to the photo exhibition Ukraine: journalists in war zones which opened at the Ukrainian Civil Society Hub in Brussels on 17 October. The opening of the display was put on in collaboration with the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ). The exhibition will be open every day till the 23 October. “Let’s honor the fallen journalists with a few…

Latvia: EFJ and IFJ extremely concerned by Latvian ban of Russian-language content on PSM

The undersigned international media freedom and journalists’ organisations, including the International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ), are extremely concerned by Latvian government proposals to ban the broadcast of Russian language content on Latvian public service media. On 28 September, the Latvian parliament approved the “National Security Concept”, a government-backed policy planning document. It states that all “content created by public media must only be in Latvian and languages belonging to the European cultural space” from 1 January 2026. The move would essentially prohibit Latvian TV and Latvian Radio from continuing to produce content in Russian. Currently, Latvian TV and…

France: Disclose journalist searched and taken into custody

Ariane Lavrilleux, the French journalist who in November 2021 revealed the Egyptian government’s complicity in “arbitrary executions”, was taken into police custody at 6 am on Tuesday 19 September. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) condemns this brutal violation of media freedom and the fundamental democratic principle of protecting sources. At six o’clock on Tuesday morning, police officers from the French Directorate-General for Internal Security (DGSI), accompanied by a judge, searched the home of journalist Ariane Lavrilleux, who works for the investigative media Disclose. She was then taken into custody “as part of an investigation into the compromise of national…

Russia: Two journalists critical of the Kremlin allegedly poisoned in exile

Dissident journalists Elena Kostyuchenko, a former reporter for the investigative newspaper Novaya Gazeta, and Irina Babloyan, previously a journalist for the broadcaster Ekho Moskvy, believe they were poisoned in Germany and Georgia respectively in October 2022. The European and the International Federations of Journalists (EFJ-IFJ) call on the competent authorities to thoroughly investigate these disturbing allegations and bring the perpetrators to justice. The Federations urged governments to protect Russian journalists in exile. German authorities are investigating a possible poisoning on Russian journalist Elena Kostyuchenko in October 2022, the Berlin prosecutor has confirmed, according to The Guardian. The alleged attack could have…

Russian authorities in Crimea detain two journalists

The Russian authorities continue to crack down on journalists in occupied Crimea. On 27 July, the police have arrested two more journalists there. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joined its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) and the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) in denouncing these repeated arrests, which are clearly aimed at intimidating the press. On 27 July, Russian police arrested professional journalists Lutfiye Zudiyeva and Kulamet Ibraimov as they were preparing to cover the trial of three Crimean Tartar activists before the Crimean Supreme Court. Zudiyeva and Ibraimov showed their press cards to police…

Azerbaijan: freedom of movement for journalists in Karabakh must be guaranteed

Police violence, restricted freedom of movement, repression of freedom of expression, over-regulation by the new state media agency… Azerbaijani journalists face a particularly hostile working environment. The subject was addressed during the Shusha Global Media Forum, on 22-23 July, in the Karabakh region. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) took part in the Forum to support the work of independent Azerbaijani journalists and to back their affiliate, the Azerbaijan Union of Journalists, JuHI. During the session of the Forum dedicated to the safety of journalists, IFJ General Secretary Anthony Bellanger recalled the absolute necessity for the United Nations…

Call for applications: Support to organisations setting up press councils

Objectives and design of the project The Dutch-speaking Press Council in Belgium (Raad) and the Council for Mass Media in Finland (MGCCM) are launching a project to support organisations that want to set up new press or media councils in countries or regions where one does not yet exist. The project is part of the Media Councils in the Digital Age #4 project, which is co-funded by the European Commission. The call is addressed to journalist associations, (umbrella organizations of) media organisations or other relevant stakeholders. As bodies of journalistic self-regulation, press and media councils are critical to a democratic…

Germany: Journalists’ organisations criticise Axel Springer’s plans to cut 200 jobs

Germany’s top-selling tabloid Bild announced that it will cut about 200 jobs and close about one-third of its regional editions across the country. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joined its affiliates in Germany, the DJV and dju in ver.di, in opposing the plans of publisher Axel Springer SE and calling for no journalists to be dismissed. The move comes after the company launched a major shift to go totally digital this year. Citing an email sent to the staff on Monday 19 June 2023, The Guardian first reported that the Bild would “parting ways with colleagues who have tasks…

French media targeted by new wave of Russian disinformation campaign

At least four French media outlets have been targeted in mid-June by a massive disinformation campaign coming from Russia. Websites of Le Monde, 20 Minutes, Le Parisien and Le Figaro were replicated with fake content disseminating the Kremlin communications relayed by fake social media accounts.  Started in 2022, this digital interference campaign, nicknamed “Doppelgänger”, targeted other European news media outlets in Germany (Der Spiegel, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and Bild) and in the United Kingdom (The Guardian). Similar fakes have also been seen in Ukraine, Latvia and Italy, amongst others. In addition, a new media called “Reliable Recent News”…

Reuters Digital Report 2023: Media outlets need to adapt to new generations

The Reuters Institute, in collaboration with Oxford University, published today 14 June its global Digital News Report 2023, which focuses on how younger audiences consume news, and the trends of online engagement. It provides insights into the increasing prevalence of vertical videos and news podcasts. The influence of inflation, combined with an increasing phenomenon of “news avoidance”, is explained in the last part exploring the emergence of new business models.  Consumption of news  Overall trust in the news continues to decline. Combined with the rising of printing costs, news outlets need to find new ways to keep up with the…

Continued solidarity with Belarusian political prisoners

21 May marked the Day of the Political Prisoner in Belarus. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joined the undersigned organisations in reiterating our condemnation of the Lukashenko regime’s ruthless crackdown on civil society and independent media. We continue to stand in solidarity with courageous Belarusians who persist in their fight for freedom. The international community will keep demanding the unconditional release of all political prisoners. In the shadow of Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine, the Belarusian authorities have doubled down on the repression of dissenting voices. The judicial harassment of journalists, artists, activists and anyone who dares to claim…

EFJ Annual Meeting: Journalists’ organisations step up commitment to safety of journalists

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) held its Annual Meeting in The Hague, Netherlands, on 11-12 May 2023. Organised by the Dutch journalists’ union NVJ, the event gathered 62 delegates from 41 journalists’ organisations from all over Europe joining forces to defend media freedom and the working conditions of journalists. As every year, decisions were taken on the budget, the EFJ work programme (see here the 18 resolutions and 5 statements adopted on national and European issues), the financial and activity reports. But the Annual Meeting is also an opportunity to provide a space for discussion to journalists’ trade unions…

President’s speech at the EFJ Annual Meeting 2023 in The Hague

Speech by Maja Sever (EFJ President) on 11 May 2023. Thank you for your kind words of support, welcome, and hospitality. My dear friends and colleagues, Unfortunately, our journalistic work has become such that, despite the pleasure of meeting and the hope that we will discuss and work successfully to strengthen journalism during these two days, I have to start with some sad news from Ukraine. One of us is gone; our college Arman Soldin, a 32-year-old French journalist born in Sarajevo, was killed while reporting in the war zone of eastern Ukraine. I invite you to pay tribute to Arman…

WPFD: EFJ calls for a systemic approach on journalists’ safety

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) organised, on the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day, a 1.5 day conference on the safety of journalists. Held at the Bozar in Brussels, the conference brought together journalists, experts, representatives of the EU and trade unions to discuss the safety of journalists, both physically and psychologically. If journalists and media workers are not protected, democracies are endangered The conference opened with a minute of silence for killed journalists around the world. Figures show that Europe has become a dangerous place for media professionals: for the year 2022, the Media Freedom Rapid Response…