EFJ to organise conference on self-regulation and regulation in the media sector in Brussels

On 14 October 2024, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) will organise a conference at ULB Solbosch in Bruxelles, Belgium, as part of its Media Councils in the Digital Age (MCDA) project. Recent EU legislation on media freedom but also illegal content online, transparent advertisement in the media and disinformation give regulatory bodies increasingly more responsibilities. But what are the demarcations between regulation and self-regulation, a long-standing tradition in Europe’s press sector? What will be the new roles of regulators under the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) and Digital Services Act (DSA)? And finally what does it mean for citizens?…

Switzerland: French investigative journalist silenced by justice

On 31 July 2024, French journalist Thomas Dietrich was ordered by the Swiss justice to withdraw his publications exposing alleged corruption in Guinea and was banned from speaking on the subject. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) condemns the order issued by the Geneva Court of First Instance against the investigative journalist and considers it a serious attack on press freedom. The so-called “provisional and super-provisional” measures were taken without informing the journalist, who was silenced until the next hearing. On 4 May, Thomas Dietrich revealed in a video that the Swiss company ADDAX ENERGY, owned by the  billionaire Jean-Claude…

Georgia: we demand the release of Azerbaijani journalist Afgan Sadygov

Georgian authorities should immediately release Azerbaijani journalist Afgan Sadygov and stop his extradition to Azerbaijan, said today the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and its affiliate in Georgia, the Independent Association of Georgian Journalists (IAGJ). On Saturday 3 August, Azerbaijani journalist Afgan Sadygov, editor-in-chief of AzelTV news website, known for his reporting on embezzlement of public funds in Azerbaijan, was arrested by Georgian criminal police as he was leaving his home in Tbilisi with his wife and children. Georgia made the arrest in response to an extradition request from the Azerbaijani authorities, following vague accusations of threats and extortion. On…

Serbia: Journalist Tamara Skrozza smeared by pro-government media

Since 29 July 2024, FoNet journalist Tamara Skrozza has been subjected to a coordinated defamation campaign by media outlets closely aligned with the Serbian government. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join their affiliates in Serbia (NUNS, UNS), in standing in solidarity with Skrozza and in condemning these smearing methods aimed at publicly discrediting the journalist with false information. The defamatory articles first appeared on the news portals informer.rs and novosti.rs on 29 July, followed by further dissemination through primetime news on Pink Television and other media close to the government. Tamara Skrozza was falsely accused of stating…

Italy: MFRR calls for constructive dialogue on media freedom recommendations

The Media Rapid Response (MFRR) partners stand in solidarity with journalists in Italy and call for an immediate end to all forms of attacks against them. We encourage all key stakeholders, including institutional ones, to join forces in enhancing the protection of journalists and media professionals.  The MFRR is a network of six media freedom organisations committed to working towards a resilient and free media landscape, including through conducting fact-finding and advocacy missions to assess the situation on the ground. Amidst a documented increase in attacks affecting the press and media freedom landscape in Italy recorded by the Media Freedom…

Four journalists released as part of a prisoner swap

A major prisoner exchange between Russia and the west is under way today involving at least four journalists: Alsu Kurmasheva, Evan Gershkovich, Vladimir Kara-Murza and Pablo Gonzalez. The European and International Federations of Journalists (EFJ-IFJ) welcomes their release, condemns hostage-taking tactics and calls on Russia, Belarus, Azerbaijan and Turkey to free the 137 other journalists currently behind bars in Europe. According to the Turkish authorities, 26 people from prisons in seven different countries were exchanged in Ankara, under the coordination of the Turkish National Intelligence Agency (MIT). The prisoners are from the US, Germany, Poland, Slovenia, Norway, Russia, and Belarus.…

Georgia: Authoritarian “foreign agent” law must be withdrawn

On 1 August, Georgia’s bill on Transparency of Foreign Influence came into force, posing a severe threat to press freedom and democracy, with the potential to criminalise journalists and independent media. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) strongly condemn this oppressive legislation, highlight its potential to be weaponised against critics of the government, and urge the authorities to immediately and unconditionally withdraw it. After Georgia’s controversial bill on Transparency and Foreign Influence came into force on 1 August, all media and civil society organisations receiving more than 20% of its funding from abroad are mandated to register as…

Greece: EU ignores deteriorating Rule of Law

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) undersigned a statement with 14 human rights and media freedom organisations, expressing that the European Commission’s 2024 Rule of Law Report misleads readers about the state of the rule of law in Greece. This comes at a time when media freedom and civic space face dire threats and attacks. The overly positive account in the report starkly contrasts an alarming reality experienced by journalists, activists, and civil society organisations on the ground, and a growing international concern over the deterioration of the rule of law in the country. This was already highlighted by 17 human…

Greece: Giorgos Karaivaz’s murder goes unpunished

This is a black week for press freedom in Greece, where on Wednesday a court acquitted the two suspects accused of murdering journalist Giorgos Karaivaz in 2021. The previous day, on Tuesday, the Greek supreme court ruled out any possibility of prosecution against the state and its security service in connection with the illegal wiretapping scandal Predatorgate. Impunity remains the norm in Greece A Greek court acquitted two men who had faced charges of killing a prominent crime journalist. On 9 April 2021, investigative journalist Giorgos Karaivaz was returning home from a daytime show on STAR TV when he was…

Germany: BILD reporter Iman Sefati threatened with a knife at private residence

On 26 July 2024, Iman Sefati, journalist for the BILD newspaper, was ambushed and threatened with a knife after he spent the day reporting on a peaceful demonstration in Berlin. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joins its German affiliates, dju in ver.di and the German Journalists Association (DJV), in condemning this violent attack and calling for legal action against the perpetrators.  Iman Sefati was covering the Dyke March, a demonstration in favor of lesbian visibility in Berlin-Neukölln as a video reporter. Later that day, as the reporter was about to leave his private residence, he was approached by a…

2024 Rule of Law Report: Media freedom organisations urge the EU to enforce stronger safeguards

The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) coalition welcomes the publication of the 2024 European Commission’s rule of law report. Despite progress made in some areas, the report shows that press freedom remains under threat in Europe. We urge Member States and the European Union to intensify their efforts to uphold media freedom and reinforce their roles in safeguarding this pillar of democracy. The release of the fifth annual rule of law report, the last one during the Commission’s current term, provides a critical opportunity to evaluate press freedom and democratic governance across EU Member States.  We warmly welcome the fact…

Croatia: International fact-finding mission to assess status of press freedom

The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners will conduct an international mission to assess the current state of press freedom and the safety of journalists in Croatia. The mission will take place online between 9 and 20 September 2024. The mission follows the assessment of the persistence of attacks against journalists and fact-checkers in Croatia, as well as the growing challenges related to transparency of media ownership and legal threats against journalists. Since January this year, the MFRR recorded 11 alerts involving 2 journalists and nine entities related to the media. The majority of attacks are verbal abuse, with half instigated by…

Mission Report: Silencing the Fourth Estate: Italy’s Democratic Drift

Media freedom in Italy has been steadily declining in recent years, marked by unprecedented attacks and violations often initiated by public officials in an attempt to silence critical voices. Political interference in public media and the systematic use of legal intimidation against journalists by political actors have long defined the media-politics relationship in Italy. However, these dynamics have reached alarming levels over the past two years. In the lead-up to the 2024 EU elections, amidst a rapidly deteriorating context, the partner organisations of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) conducted an urgent mission to Rome, Italy, on May 16-17, 2024.…

Cyprus: Behind bars for fake news: Imminent threat to media freedom

The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) strongly condemns a legislative proposal in Cyprus that threatens press freedom under the guise of combating disinformation. This amendment, which criminalizes “fake news” and imposes harsh penalties, risks stifling independent journalism and encouraging self-censorship. Our international consortium calls on authorities to align with international human rights standards, promote media ethics, and protect freedom of expression, instead of exerting media control. The MFRR coalition is gravely concerned about the recent legislative proposal in Cyprus, aiming to criminalize the dissemination of fake news with draconian penalties including prison sentences of up to five years. This proposed…

Media councils are developing guidelines on AI and ethics

This text was originally published on the presscouncils.eu website, part of the European “Media Councils in the Digital Age” project. With the rapid transformation of Generative AI, newsrooms face new challenges and benchmarks when it comes to adhering to deontological standards. While there is no single ethical standard on the implementation of AI in journalism, various media councils have established guidelines, or even added chapters on it in their ethical codes. The use of AI needs to be regulated accordingly, so as to empower journalists to be quicker, more efficient and more innovative, rather than substituting for their absence. That’s…

2024 Rule of Law Report highlights the need to sanction those who violate press freedom in Europe

On 24 July 2024, the European Commission published its annual Rule of Law Report, which includes the assessment of press freedom and media pluralism in Europe. This fifth edition is released at a critical time for some EU Member States that face serious threats to media pluralism and press freedom, such as Italy, Slovakia or Greece. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) welcomes the recommendations issued by the report and immediately calls on the European Commission to consider sanctions as part of the gradual implementation of the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA). The report includes specific recommendations for each EU…

Freelance journalists are most vulnerable with press under pressure in Europe

EFJ Freelance Expert Group (FREG) co-chairs, Renske Heddema (Dutch union of journalists – NVJ) and Oddrun Mitbø (Norwegian union of journalists – NJ) contributed to the open letter below, outlining the priorities of FREG. Freedom of the press is essential for all democracies. This freedom is now increasingly under pressure in Europe. Several developments underline the threats for journalists, especially freelance workers, who often stand out for their personal courage. EFJ Freelance Expert Group (FREG) members regularly participate in demonstrations calling for the release of imprisoned colleagues.  The recent release of Julian Assange shows that the relentless fight from people…