European Federation of Journalists

Media Freedom Rapid Response

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) is a partner of Media Freedom Rapid Response project (MFRR) aiming to promote an independent, pluralistic media landscape, to safeguard media workers, especially harassed female media workers and to protect the rights of journalists. The RRM helps to mitigate the consequences of the recently observed deterioration of media freedom in several European Union, Member States and Candidate Countries.

Overall Objective

The overall objective of this project is to provide practical support for journalists to improve media freedom in Europe.

The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) is designed to detect, answer and prevent violations of press and media freedom. It consists of three layers: monitoring, categorisation, responses.

Specific objectives

1. Mapping Media Freedom (MMF) in Europe (EU & Candidate Countries): Media violations are on the rise especially under the current coronavirus crisis. One of the key components of the project is to monitor and document a wide range of media violations conducted by any actors, whether individuals, state actors or business, so that actions can be taken rapidly to address the violations.

2. Practical supports: Based on the media violations reported, the project offers a wide range of immediate to long-term, practical support ranging from legal help, safety advice and training, safe house for journalists, advocacy and mission, and online resources. You could find more information about the legal support here and more details about safe house for journalists here.

3. Advocacy & Trial Monitoring: Joint media advocacy will also be carried out by the project including joint statements, national missions (in Czech Republic, Hungry, Spain, Serbia), roundtable advocacy meetings with EU policy-makers. The EFJ will involve the relevant national members when carrying out such national missions. Trial Monitoring especially for Turkey, Malta (for the case of Daphne Caruana Galizia) and Slovakia (for the case of Ján Kuciak) will be carried out and participated by the project partners to help find justice for journalists who are put in jails or murdered.

Anyone can submit and report a media violation to the MMF platform online.


Croatia: Faktograf journalist Melita Vrsaljko assaulted twice in a week

The undersigned organisations, including members of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), express deep concerns about the physical attacks targeting Melita Vrsaljko, a journalist working for the Croatian fact-checking website and the Climate Portal. Vrsaljko was assaulted twice in the same week, in the street and at her home in Nadin due to her journalistic work. We urge the Croatian authorities not to let these unprecedented attacks go unpunished. On 15 July 2024, journalist Melita Vrsaljko and a freelance camera operator were working on a documentary co-produced by the Climate Portal, which focused on climate change and waste. While…

Kosovo: Dangerous attack by MP Dimal Basha on ECPMF Senior legal advisor Flutura Kusari

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joins the Media Freedom Rapid Response Partners (MFRR) in strongly condemning Lëvizja Vetëvendosje MP Dimal Basha’s abusive speech against ECPMF Senior legal advisor Flutura Kusari during a speech in the Kosovo Parliament. Kusari, found herself singled out in a personal attack aimed at silencing the prominent activist and resulting in a wave of online abuse and sex-based insults. On 27 June 2024, Kosovo’s Vetëvendosje MP Dimal Basha delivered a speech in Parliament, during the second reading of Kosovo’s draft media law (IMC). This draft bill has been criticized for not taking into account recommendations…

Romania: Media Freedom Mission questions fairness of electoral coverage

Members of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), after completing a mission to Bucharest, concluded that much of the media coverage of Romania’s electoral campaigns is seriously compromised by political capture and that media are failing to provide the fair and balanced political reporting necessary for the public to make informed electoral choices.  The MFRR’s two-day mission to Romania, 17-18 June, was held just one week after the European and local elections had been held. With presidential elections due in September and parliamentary elections in December this year, the MFRR calls for an urgent reform of the system of party…

Greece: Daily edition of Avgi Newspaper bluntly shut down

On 26 June 2024, the daily edition of the Greek newspaper Avgi, was shut down by SYRIZA, its main stakeholder, without further notice after 72 years of existence. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) stand in full solidarity with the workers of Avgi and join their affiliate, the Union of Journalists of Athens Daily Newspapers (JUADN), in condemning the “sudden death” of the daily edition of the historic newspaper and the impact of the decision on its workers.  On 25 June media workers at Avgi were informed at 4pm by the board of directors of the President of…

Greece: Who ordered Greek journalist’s murder?

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joins the undersigned members of the Media freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) in welcoming the start of the trial, on 26 June, of two suspects accused of the 2021 killing of Greek investigative journalist, Giorgos Karaivaz. We also call on the authorities to redouble efforts to identify those who ordered his murder.  Giorgos Karaivaz was shot dead on 9 April 2021, near his home in Alimos, by professional hitmen who then escaped on a motorbike. The suspects were apprehended in April 2023, and have since been held in pretrial detention. The trial must conclude by…

Italy: Open letter from the MFRR to the President of the European Parliament and the President of the European Commission

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joins the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) coalition partners in expressing serious concerns about the alarming deterioration of media freedom in Italy. A letter has been sent to the President of the European Parliament, Ms Roberta Metsola, and the President of the European Commission, Ms Ursula von der Leyen. We are drawing attention to the findings of our urgent advocacy mission to Rome on 16-17 May.   Dear President of the European Parliament, Ms Roberta Metsola, Dear President of the European Commission, Ms Ursula von der Leyen,   We are writing to express our…