European Federation of Journalists

Commission to assess EU audiovisual rules on media pluralism and independence of media regulators

The European Commission has launched a public consultation to assess current EU law on audiovisual media (Audiovisual Media Services Directive 2010/13/EU – AVMSD) to check if the current legislation is up-to-date for media in the digital era.

According to the Commission’s communications, the consultation focuses on the following key topics:

  • providing rules to shape technological developments
  • creating a level playing field for emerging audiovisual media
  • preserving cultural diversity
  • protecting children and consumers
  • safeguarding media pluralism
  • combating racial and religious hatred
  • guaranteeing the independence of national media regulators.

During the review, stakeholders will be asked how effective the current law in safeguarding media freedom and pluralism and what can be done to ensure that. In particular, it will assess the effectiveness of the national audivisual regulators and their level of independence.

Another main issue on the consultation is whether new media like on-demand services and online audiovisual service providers such as YouTube, Vimeo or Vine, should be subjected to the same rules as other audio-visual media.

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) will respond to the consultation, which will end on 30 September, to give its view on media freedom and pluralism. The EFJ encourages its affiliates to respond to the survey in particularly in relation to the question on media freedom and pluralism.

Repond the survey via the following link: