Serbia: Journalist Jovica Vasic broke a ten-day hunger strike
The European Federation of Journalists backs its Serbian affiliates UNS, NUNS and SINOS in their call to protect Jovica Joca Vasic, journalist and publisher at daily Narodne Novine, who engaged in a hunger strike for 10 days from 8 to 18 October.
With this hunger strike, Vasic wished to draw attention to his extremely precarious situation he, together with many other employees at his newspaper, has been experiencing as a journalist: “Working conditions have worsened at alarming level these last ten years, and it is not possible anymore to do our profession in a dignified way” he said.
UNS, NUNS and SINOS are urging the local authorities of the city of Nis (Serbia) to protect media workers and to take action regarding irregularities in the finances of the newspaper. Jovica Vasic warned that if his demands are not met, he will go on strike again.
Credit photo:UNS