European Federation of Journalists

GENSummit 2018

Lisbon Lisbon, Portugal

GENSummit 2018

Workshop Robot Journalism

Lisbon Lisbon, Portugal

Robot "journalist" is already the reality in many newsrooms churning out content faster than we can consume. News organisations are increasingly experimenting with robot journalism using computer programmes to analyse data and produce news stories, because robots are more productive. But how much do we know about these robots behind the news? Are they friends or foes of journalists? Should journalists be afraid or take advantage of the technology to improve their working conditions and quality of journalism? This workshop will focus on these questions and explore the pros and cons of robot journalism, the existing practices and the impact…

Whistleblowerprotection platform meeting

European Trade Union Institute

On 23 April the Commission introduced its directive proposal on whistleblower protection.Our platform, WhistleblowerProtection.EU, was launched on 17 October 2016 and we have been working hard to persuade the Commission to bring forward a directive proposal. We are trade unions and NGOs, united in the cause to make the EU a safer place for whistleblowers. We have worked together with forces in the Parliament, making the case for an EU-wide whistleblower protection. The EFJ will participate in a meeting with the whistleblower protection platform to further discuss the EC draft directive and plan lobbying actions.

XV Congresso Usigrai

Bologna Bologna, Italy

The EFJ GS Ricardo Gutiérrez will attend Usigrai (FNSI) Congress.