European Federation of Journalists

Copyright Directive: S&D – Greens Press Conference

European Parliament Strasbourg 1 Avenue du Président Robert Schuman, Strasbourg,, France

Les députées Virginie Rozière (FR, S&D) et Helga Trüpel (All, Groupe des Verts) vous invitent à une conférence de presse qu’elles organisent aux côtés d’une délégation de journalistes européens le 11 septembre, à 16h30, au Parlement européen de Strasbourg salle Daphne Caruana Galizia (N-1.2) Parmi eux, le directeur du bureau de l’AFP à Bagdad, Sammy Kets, signataire d’une tribune en faveur de la création d’un « droit voisin » qui permettrait aux journaux, aux magazines et aux agences de presse d’être rémunérés lorsque leurs articles sont republiés en ligne via des grandes plateformes. Son initiative a été soutenue par plus…

EFJ-IFJ mission to Turkey

Istanbul Istanbul

meeting with EU delegation and affiliates

Informal meeting with EaP civil society representatives

Pentahotel Brussels, Belgium

The session will be an informal exchange, during which our members will present a proposal for supporting EaP media to potential donors from EED and EU member states, including tailored guidelines for implementation.

Nordic Freelance 2018

Malmo , Sweden

10.20-10.40. Keynote speaker Renate Schroeder, Director of EFJ, formerly also IFJ (European/International Federation of Journalists), on the situation for independent media workers in Europe and worldwide.

Fact Checking in the EU

The European Parliament is organising a conference "Fact-checking European elections" in Brussels on Thursday 27 September 2018 - Friday 28 September 2018. The intention is to discuss challenges and possible solutions to: Fact checking European elections - lessons from the past, looking into the future Working with data from social media companies and EU Institutions Common areas of EU disinformation - the examples of migration and the EU budget Practical cooperation among European fact checkers Draft programme Thursday, 27 September 2018 8.00 - 9.00 Arrival and registration. Coffee provided inside the meeting room. Venue: ASP 3G2 9.00 - 9.30 Opening…

EU – Western Balkans Media Days

Skopje Skopje

Bringing together around 300 media professionals, experts and policymakers from the Western Balkans and the EU to discuss challenges and propose forward-looking ideas for an independent, sustainable and professional journalism in the Western Balkans

Conference “Whistleblowing for Change “

Barcelona Catalunya, Spain

The EFJ is invited to attend the Whistleblowing for Change convening taking place in Barcelona on 19–21 September. This private convening by the Open Society Initiative For Europe (OSIFE) and the Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer pour le Progrès de l’Homme (FPH) will provide a networking and strategizing opportunity for European actors working on whistleblowing-related issues.