European Federation of Journalists

Conférence: Ingérences et désinformation à l’aube des élections européennes

Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian 39 Boulevard de la Tour-Maubourg, Paris, France

Le Secrétaire général de la FEJ, Ricardo Gutiérrez, intervient dans le cadre de cette conférence organisée par l'Institut Jacques Delors, à la Fondation Gulbenkian, à Paris. "Les propagandes informatiques et les ingérences en ligne sur les élections sont des menaces pour la tenue d’élections libres et justes et pour la légitimité du processus démocratique. Depuis les élections européennes de 2014, de nombreux scrutins ont connu des tentatives d’ingérences au sein des débats, parmi lesquels peuvent être mentionnés le référendum pour le Brexit, les élections aux Philippines, aux États-Unis, au Brésil ou encore en Italie. Les responsables de ces propagandes numériques…

Launch of the AGEMI project and web platform

Brussels Press Club Rue Froissart 95, Brussels, Belgium

Come and join us at the launch of the AGEMI (Advancing Gender Equality in Media Industries) project and web platform where you can find a range of useful resources focused on aspects of gender equality, including a large Resources Bank of Good Practices and learning resources which include mini-lectures and filmed interviews with media practitioners on topics such as representation, culture, policy, advocacy and leadership. Gender issues must be part of journalism education, training and editorial practices. AGEMI has piloted two activities to build links between students and the world of work through its summer school and internships. Including such…

Journalists’ Debate: “Freedom of speech, it’s what I love, it’s what I understand”

Dom Dziennikarza Foksal 3/5, Warsaw, Poland

The conference is organised by the Journalists Solidarity Foundation and the Polish Journalists Association (SDP). The conference title – Freedom (of speech) it’s what I love, it’s what I understand – quotes a well-known song by the popular Polish rock band of the 1990s to highlight that freedom of speech is not just a theoretical concept. We need to cherish freedom in order to be able to stand up for it when jeopardized, whatever the dangers. This was the case in Poland and in other countries which had been subjected to Russia for several dozens of years. Communism had fallen but we…

First Draft ‘Collaboration Against Disinformation’ summit

La Grande Abbaye de la Ramée 19 rue de l’Abbaye, Jodoigne, Belgium

First Draft is hosting three identical ‘Collaboration Againsts Disinformation’ summits, bringing together journalists, researchers, analysts and innovators from across Europe, to kick off a cross-border collaboration as part of our new CrossCheck International Initiative. Attendance at these events is by invitation only. First Draft is seeking representation from organisations who are interested in working together as part of a trusted and multi-disciplinary community that will provide proactive defence and rapid and effective response to the challenges related to information disorder. The initial focus of this network will be European elections over the coming months.