European Federation of Journalists

13th Meeting of CDMSI

Agora Building Strasbourg, France

The 13th meeting of the Council of Europe Steering Committee on Media and Information Society (CDMSI) will take place from 5 to 8 December 2017 in Strasbourg. The EFJ is an observer member of CDMSI. The EFJ will be represented by Marc Gruber.

Macedonia after the colourful revolution

FES Rue du Taciturne 38, Brussels, Belgium

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung’s EU Office is organising a conference on Macedonia on Wednesday, 6 December from 12:00 to 13:00, at the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Rue du Taciturne 38, in Brussels. Keynote speaker: Mr. Zoran Zaev, Prime minister of the Republic of Macedonia. His speech will be followed by a public discussion with Tanja Fajon MEP and EEAS Political Director Jean-Christophe Belliard. After the ‘colourful revolution’ in Macedonia which led to new elections, a new government came into power in May 2017. The Social Democratic Union of Macedonia, in coalition with several ethnic Albanian parties, brought a breath of fresh air into the country,…

University of Malta Symposium: The Assault on Journalism

UM Valletta Campus St. Paul Street, Valletta, Malta

The Faculty for Social Wellbeing of the University of Malta is organising, in collaboration with Ossigeno per l’Informazione, the following Symposium: "The Assault on Journalism: Taking stock of pressures on journalists in the aftermath of the killing of Daphne Caruana Galizia", on 6 December (3pm to 7 pm), at UM Valletta Campus. At the centre of the supreme value of democracy is the right of everyone to receive and impart information. The Faculty for Social Wellbeing recognizes that freedom of expression is one of the basic conditions for the progress of society and for the development of every person. Journalists enable public debate,…

Colloque “Fake news, armes de désinformation massive”

Design Station rue Paradis 78, Liège, Belgium

Le Conseil de la Jeunesse organise un colloque autour des Fake News. Les Fake News sont de plus en plus présentes sur Internet. Elles ne sont pas nouvelles mais leur forme a changé avec les années et l’évolution des médias. Désormais, elles sont rapides et mondialisées.  Comment les repérer ? Comment s’outiller pour distinguer une information crédible d’une information tronquée ? Comment développer une analyse critique face au flot d’informations quotidiennes auxquelles nous sommes confrontés ? Toutes ces questions vous intéressent ?  L’enjeu du colloque « Fake news, armes de désinformation massive ?» est de se questionner sur les informations erronées auxquelles sont confrontés…

Impunity of Murders of Journalists: A Challenge to Freedom of the Media

One-day event in Vienna. Brings together experts across the OSCE region to discuss practical, methodological and ethical dilemmas in the process of collecting information and monitoring the deaths of journalists. Contact the Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media for registration.

ETUC Executive Committee

EESC Building Rue Beliard 99, Brussels

The Executive Committee of ETUC will be held on 13-14 December 2017 at EESC Building, in Brussels. Pierre Moscovici, Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs, will be the ETUC guest from 14:00 to 15:00, on 13th December. The EFJ GS Ricardo Gutiérrez will attend the ExCom Meeting.  

ETUC Steering Committee meeting

We would like to invite you to participate to a meeting of the Steering Committee of our joint project on December 20th from 12:30 to 15:30. The main aim of this meeting is to discuss the agenda of the workshop which will take place in Amsterdam in February 14th (for your information, we launched a "save the dates" to the members of the ETUC organisations this morning:

Meeting of the S&D Working Group on Extremism

European Parliament - A3H1 Brussels, Belgium

S&D Working Group on Extremism. "Charlie Hebdo", trois ans après: déclin généralisé de la liberté de la presse en Europe. Par Ricardo Gutiérrez, Secrétaire général de la FEJ.