Wave of support in Europe for Belarusian journalists
In recent days, the affiliates of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have massively demonstrated their support for journalists who are victims of violence in Belarus. Following our call, EFJ affiliates have written to their governments to demand sanctions against those responsible for violence and electoral fraud and a review of cooperation between the European Union and Belarus. Many journalists’ organisations offer logistical or financial assistance to Belarusian colleagues.
The EFJ forwarded to the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ) the expressions of support from journalists’ unions and associations in Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, the United Kingdom and Ukraine.
In Denmark, Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod immediately responded to the call by the Danish Union of Journalists (DJ), International Media Support (IMS), UNESCO-Denmark and the European Federation of Journalists the EFJ, to react to the situation in Belarus. Representatives of the four organisations met with the Minister on Thursday.
Tine Johansen, President of DJ said: “We have seen unprecedented violent attacks on journalists in Belarus. This is why I welcome the reaction of our Foreign Minister in support of media freedom and the safety of journalists.”
EFJ President Mogens Blicher Bjerregård stressed the importance of strategic, coordinated and long-term actions: “The Minister’s full support is accompanied by immediate emergency funding. This is the result of a coordinated approach with our affiliate in Belarus.The EFJ will continue a close dialogue with BAJ in Minsk to ensure the best use of funds.”
Thanks to the Danish foreign minister @JeppeKofod for a constructive meeting today regarding support for the Belarusian citizens, #PressFreedom #FreedomOfSpeech and #democracy. We @forfreemedia @EFJEUROPE @DJintweets @UNESCO Denmark will continue our work and follow up
— Mogens B. Bjerregård (@mogensbb) August 20, 2020
Libertà di informazione imbavagliata #Bielorussia di #annadelfreo #appello di @EFJEUROPE @FnsiSocial @Artventuno @maurobiani @RadioRadicale @riotta @TizianaFerrario @chedisagio @ferrariant @FraBaraghini @paolomaggioni @StefaniaBattis4 @FDUmilano @RaiNews.— Beppe Giulietti (@BeppeGiulietti) August 19, 2020
Solidarity with the Belarusian Association of Journalists @baj_by – from the National Union of Journalists in the UK & Ireland – we condemn the detention of media workers & the violence inflicted on our colleagues covering the elections & civil unrest. @IFJGlobal #Belarus2020 pic.twitter.com/NykSiyujcC
— NUJ (@NUJofficial) August 12, 2020
”Högtidligt och viktigt att få tala om pressfrihet och situationen för journalister i Belarus när Östgruppen för demokrati och mänskliga rättigheter ordnar stödmanifestation för Belarus” kommenterar Ulrika Hyllert efteråt #Belarus #pressfrihet pic.twitter.com/DxmFUClaRO
— Journalistförbundet (@journalistforb) August 20, 2020
Lettre ouverte à @JY_LeDrian sur #Bielorussie sur les violations à la liberté de la presse et au droit d'informer. Nous demandons à offrir un soutien concret aux journalistes à travers nos organisations @SnjCgt @SNJ_national @USJCFDT @EFJEUROPE @baj_by https://t.co/jpFThm4lUB
— SNJ-CGT (Rejoignez-nous✊?) (@SnjCgt) August 17, 2020
The Norwegian Union of Journalists @journalistlag today urged our Minister of Foreign Affairs @EriksenSoreide to protest the violent treatment of #Belarus’ #journalists and demand #PressFreedom for the people of Belarus. pic.twitter.com/zcNUt9oT9p
— Eva Stabell, NJ (@NJinternasjonal) August 17, 2020
#Belarus Message from #Russia @PZhurnalist: "Numerous accounts of the circumstances of the arrests of our colleagues and the brutality with which they were carried out show this is clearly a deliberate hunt for journalists” #Journalismisnotacrime https://t.co/6wd6zWRi3C
— EFJ (@EFJEUROPE) August 12, 2020
#Belarus Message from #Ukraine @Stommedia: "It is not a crime for journalists to perform their duties.The Ukrainian Union expresses its solidarity with @baj_by, which helps colleagues on this front line in incredible conditions.” https://t.co/6wd6zWRi3C
— EFJ (@EFJEUROPE) August 12, 2020
In #Belarus werden Journalist*innen verprügelt, einige verschwinden spurlos. Als größte Interessenvertretung Medienschaffender in DE fordern wir von Minister Maas der eskalierten Lage „eine noch höhere Priorität“ zukommen zu lassen.#Pressefreiheit #EUCO https://t.co/rbKyR9GzWj
— ver.di (@_verdi) August 19, 2020
Kommentar: Auf einem Sondergipfel beraten die Staats- und Regierungschefs der #EU heute über #Belarus, von Sanktionen ist die Rede. Zeit, #Lukaschenko endlich die rote Karte zu zeigen. Das sind sie den Grundwerten schuldig, für die die EU steht. https://t.co/SVvNeH3zKh
— Journalisten-Verband (@DJVde) August 19, 2020
Oproep aan minister: stop aanvallen op de media in Wit-Rusland #belarus https://t.co/HYbHrXjogJ
— thomas bruning (@thomasbruning) August 14, 2020
"We stand in solidarity with the BAJ and fully support its call on authorities to stop violating media workers' rights and end the violence against them" @abellanger49 pic.twitter.com/KcjuWPIjUB
— IFJ (@IFJGlobal) August 13, 2020