EFJ to organise conference on self-regulation and regulation in the media sector in Brussels

On 14 October 2024, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) will organise a conference at ULB Solbosch in Bruxelles, Belgium, as part of its Media Councils in the Digital Age (MCDA) project. Recent EU legislation on media freedom but also illegal content online, transparent advertisement in the media and disinformation give regulatory bodies increasingly more responsibilities. But what are the demarcations between regulation and self-regulation, a long-standing tradition in Europe’s press sector? What will be the new roles of regulators under the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) and Digital Services Act (DSA)? And finally what does it mean for citizens?…

#JESUISCHARLIE: To Publish or Not To Publish, That is the Question

The European Federation of Journalists, in collaboration with the European Broadcasting Union (EBU)  and the European Newspaper Publishers Association (ENPA), will organised a lunch debate on freedom of speech and the media in the wake of the Paris shooting at the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. We will discuss how journalists and media should feed the debate, and discuss the conditions needed for them to work freely. Social cohesion, media independence, ethical codes, self-regulation and editorial lines are at stake when dealing with highly sensitive and emotional subjects. How can journalists express their opinions, inform and capture the mood of their…


Awareness raising for freedom to publish

The EFJ has today welcomed in Brussels a delegation composed from the Turkish Publishers Association, the Swedish Publishers’ Association, the International Publishers Association and EMHRN. The working group’s agenda was focused on the legal framework in terms of freedom to publish in Europe, examples of restrictions and bans in the EU countries, the experience of European organizations in terms of freedom to publish in the context of the Western Balkans enlargement. The working group compared strategies, discussed concrete examples of advocacy tactics and ways to monitor the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice…

EFJ and IFJ Sign a Memorandum with the Council of Europe to Create an Online Safety Platform for Journalists

The European Federation of Journalists’ (EFJ) President, Mogens Blicher Bjerregård, and the International Federation of Journalists’ (IFJ) President, Jim Boumelha, signed today a “memorandum of understanding” on the creation of an online safety platform for journalists with the Council of Europe and three other media freedom partner agencies. The event took place during a conference jointly organized by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) and the French Senate at the Palais du Luxembourg, in Paris. Reporters Without Borders (RWB), Article 19 and the Association of European Journalists (AEJ) also signed the memorandum. The conference has involved many…

TGS-EFJ Kicks Off First Capacity Building Workshop

(26-27.04.2014) The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and its affiliate in Turkey, the Journalists Union of Turkey (TGS for Türkiye Gazeteciler Sendikasi), organised the first workshop for a two-year project called “Press Freedom and Empowering the Journalists Trade Union Movement in Turkey”. The project is funded by the EIDHR (European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights) of the European Commission. The workshop covered the issues on union capacity-building, recruitment strategies, legal assistance and the TGS-EFJ campaign for the freedom of imprisoned journalists. The workshop also discussed the preparation of a major international conference for 2016. Renate Schroeder (EFJ Director) and Mehmet Koksal…

Mapping changes in employment

In 2012 the EFJ and EURO-MEI carried out a joint project on mapping changes in employment in the media and journalism industry. The project assessed the impact of employment changes on the media and journalism industry on journalists and media workers. It analyzed the employment changes and illustrated how these changes impact on trade union representation and organizing. The survey focuses on two case studies, France and the U.K, but also takes into consideration other countries. Please click HERE to read the final report. The EFJ is the European group of the International Federation of Journalists The EFJ represents over 260,000…