European Federation of Journalists

EC First Vice-President backs journalists to promote quality journalism and reinstall journalism as a public good

(Brussels, 28 November 2014) The First Vice-President of the European Commission, Mr. Frans Timmermans, has told a delegation from the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) that sustaining quality journalism and putting Europe’s media freedom back on track will be high on his agenda. Mr Timmermans, the First Vice-President who is also the EU Commissioner in charge of Better Regulation, Inter-Institutional Relations, Rule of Law and Charter of Fundamental Rights highlighted that the financial crisis in the European media industry is affecting journalists’ rights, jobs and journalism as a public good. “Preserving reliable and quality information is an existential question for…

EFJ Manifesto

On 22 -25 May, European citizens have elected their Members of the Parliament to represent them at the new European Parliament. During the election, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) has launched a Manifesto calling on all candidate MEPs to commit to the Journalists’ Manifesto for the revival of a free and pluralistic media in Europe. Over 200 MEP candidates have endorsed the EFJ Manifesto by committing themselves to the following TEN principles. Among those MEP candidates who have signed the Manifesto, 50 of them them have been (re-)elected. 1. Democracy needs independent journalism 2. Europe needs media pluralism 3. Rights…

Stand Up for Journalism – #SUFJ

  For the 7th time, the EFJ will be marking 5 November as a day to “Stand Up For Journalism”, and we are asking our affiliates across Europe to join in the campaign. On the day or during the week of the 5 November, journalists across Europe and around the world come together in solidarity to spotlight some of the major challenges they face. The EFJ Steering Committee is proposing to use the day to highlight the situation of journalists in an increasingly concentrated media environment. New actors including Google threaten not only media pluralism but increasingly the survival of…

EFJ in the news

Vijesti – Sever: Montenegrin media scene subject to political pressure (24.08.2024) TVP World – Russian foreign ministry threatens Italian journalists reporting from Kursk frontline with criminal prosecution (16.08.2024) Finchannel – Georgia: Authoritarian “foreign law” must be withdrawn (02.08.2024) Domani – Meloni crea menzogne e caos. Così mette a rischio i cronisti ( (02.08.2024) Le Méridional – Liberté de la presse : explosion des violences contre les journalistes pendant les législatives (31.07.2024) Libération – Extrême droite : pendant les législatives, une explosion des violences et menaces contre les journalistes  (30.07.2024) The Malta Independent – Rule of law report: Media freedom organizations urge the…


The importance of cooperation between freelancers across borders in Europe has increased over the years. Colleagues inspire each other; union workers share ideas and experiences. Contracts and fees, training, authors’ rights, and professional standards are all key issues for the growing – and ever more precarious- freelance community of journalists. Innovative financing models, which can give freelance journalists new possibilities/niches in media, are being explored by the EFJ and its affiliates. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) Authors’ Rights Expert Group (AREG) and the Freelance Experts’ Group (FREG) strive to defend and to promote freelance rights. We say to our…

Steering Committee

AS ELECTED IN JUNE 2022, IZMIR (TURKEY) and UPDATED ON 8 JUNE 2023   PRESIDENT     Maja SEVER Trade Union of Croatian Journalists (TUCJ), Croatia @SeverMaja   VICE-PRESIDENT   Mustafa KULELI Journalists’ Union of Turkey (TGS), Turkey @MKuleli SC MEMBERS Andrea ROTH  Deutscher Journalisten-Verband (DJV), Germany @AndreaRoth22 Anna DEL FREO Italian National Press Federation (FNSI), Italy    @Anna_DelFreo   Pablo AIQUEL SNJ-CGT, France @pablo_aiquel Marta Barcenilla FSC-CCOO, Spain @martabarce Allan BOYE THULSTRUP Danish Union of Journalists (DJ), Denmark @ABThulstrup Martine SIMONIS Association des journalistes professionnels (AJP), Belgium @SimonisMartine   Sergiy TOMILENKO National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU), Ukraine…


The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) is the largest organisation of journalists in Europe, representing over 320.000 journalists. We have 77 members in the following 45 countries: Albania Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bosnia-Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Faroe Islands (DK) Finland France Georgia Germany Great Britain Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Kosovo Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Montenegro The Netherlands North Macedonia Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia San Marino Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine Applicants for Membership

EFJ Focus, 28 July 2014

  table.mcnFollowContent {width:100% !important;} table.mcnShareContent {width:100% !important;}     Having trouble viewing this email? View this email in your browser Share Tweet Forward to Friend 28 July 2014 EDITORIAL Juncker’s Policies – What’s Missing?  The Luxembourger, Mr Jean-Claude Juncker, has finally taken the job as the European Commission chief. Mr Juncker’s appointment as the social conservative candidate marks a turning point since the last Commission led by the centre-right party leader Mr. José Manuel Barroso. The European Union seems to have rekindled its social model. Allied with the Socialists and Liberals, Mr. Junker has made many promises. He has declared his intention to…

EFJ FOCUS 16 June 2014

  table.mcnFollowContent {width:100% !important;} table.mcnShareContent {width:100% !important;}     Having trouble viewing this email? View this email in your browser Share Tweet Forward to Friend 16 June 2014 EDITORIAL Putting Media Pluralism on EU agenda Over 200 candidates for the European Elections have endorsed our Manifesto calling for media freedom and pluralism in Europe.  Now some of them have been elected to serve the citizens for the next five years, they shall keep their promises by putting media pluralism at the heart of the EU agenda because Europe’s democracy relies on independent and pluralistic journalism. The new European Parliament and…

Reaching out to Atypical Workers

The European Federation of Journalists together with International Federation of Actors (FIA), the International Federation of Musicians and UNI-MEI launched a two-year joint project (2015 & 2016) aiming to promote the rights of atypical workers in the sector and improve the capacity of trade union in servicing these members. This project, which is funded by the European Commission, is intended to create a vital space for the project partners to engage with the challenges of atypical workers in our sector. Across the EU’s audiovisual and live performance sectors, “atypical workers” are an increasing reality. Production and project-based working, as well…

Confronting Austerity in Journalism

The economic crisis is severely affecting journalists and media workers, in particular in Southern Europe, where austerity measures also affect the media, in particular public broadcasting and local media. Often, media owners are cutting jobs, reducing salaries and benefits and no longer guarantee decent working conditions for journalists. test1 A recent survey by the EFJ has shown that the number of unemployed journalists is dramatically increasing, media are closing down which also has a devastating impact on the work of freelance journalists. With the financial support of the European Commission, the EFJ held a two-day seminar (20 & 21 March…

Confronting Austerity in Journalism

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