European Federation of Journalists

Media Against Hate

#MediaAgainstHate is a Europe-wide campaign led by the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and a coalition of civil society organisations. We aim to counter hate speech and discrimination in the media, both on and offline, by promoting ethical standards, while maintaining respect for freedom of expression. Our work is underpinned by the belief that the rights to equality and freedom of expression are mutually reinforcing and essential to human dignity.

The media and journalists play a crucial role in informing both policy and societal opinion regarding migration and refugees. As hate speech and stereotypes targeting migrants proliferate across Europe, balanced and fair media reporting is needed more than ever. Despite some good journalism practices, additional training and resources for media professionals and media organisations will help promote dialogue and democratic processes.

Involving partners from across Europe, including ARTICLE 19, Media Diversity Institute (MDI), Croatian Journalists’ Association (CJA), Cooperazione per lo Sviluppo dei Paesi Emergenti (COSPE), Community Media Institute (COMMIT), Community Media Forum Europe (CMFE) and the EFJ, the #MediaAgainstHate campaign aims to:

  • improve media coverage related to migration, refugees, religion and marginalised groups in general;
  • improve capacity of journalists, media, CSOs and community media to counter hate speech, intolerance, racism and discrimination;
  • improve implementation of legal frameworks regulating hate speech and freedom of speech;
  • raise awareness about various types of discrimination through better reporting on the above issues
  • provide support to journalists exposing hate speech who have become targets and victims of hatred and harassment for speaking out

A series of trainings and workshops will be organised for media professionals, representatives of CSOs and media regulators across Europe to exchange best practices and promote mutual learning and cooperation activities.

As part of the campaign, a video contest will be launched to collect multilingual examples of counter-narratives fighting stereotypes and discrimination.

For more information and regular updates, please visit the website.


#nohatespeech: sign our petition now

Banning the promoters of online hate speech and preventing broadcast thereof are not simply acts of civic responsibility. For journalists, this is the fulfilment of a basic duty: giving readers, viewers and listeners real facts. This is why today the Italian organisation Associazione Carta di Roma, with the support of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), Articolo 21, the National Federation of the Italian Press (FNSI), the Italian Order of Journalists and the Journalists’ Union RAI (USIGRai), has launched the #nohatespeech campaign.   OUR ONLINE PETITION ASKS: JOURNALISTS – Don’t be passive in front of hate speech cases. Since they are based on…

Media should speak out against hate speech

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) has joined the Italian organisation on Carta di Roma welcoming the new initiative launched by the Italy newspaper La Stampa to counter hate speech. The EFJ has called on media professionals to be aware of the danger of discrimination being furthered by the media through hate speech following recent debates and media coverage on “migrant crisis” in Europe. Ricardo Gutiérrez, the EFJ General Secretary said, “Journalists should dare to denounce and confront hate speech publicly. They have the ethical responsibility to counter racist and discriminatory messages and comments that incite hatred, violence or insult…

Children’s cartoons and much more at Council of Europe’s meeting on media

To bring some action to its usually serious – and sometimes dull – documents, the Steering Committee on Media and Information Society (CDMSI) of the Council of Europe (CoE) also met this week, in Strasbourg, with the six winners of a Spanish school comics competition on human rights and Internet. It is not sure that the kids would indeed “make sure to be safe online for the rest of their life”, as one of the children told the meeting, but the contribution of young Internet users definitely brought a fresh tone to the meeting. Good news: Online platform working On…

Nils Muižnieks: “We need to ensure the viability of both independent media and NGOs”

The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Nils Muižnieks, presented today in Strasbourg his annual activity report 2014. The Commissioner is concerned by the “increased pressure against NGOs and the media in many Council of Europe member states”. Nils Muižnieks quoted the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) in his report. Here are some excerpts. “NGOs and the media play an extremely important role in safeguarding human rights more broadly. Where large parliamentary majorities govern and other checks and balances are weakened, NGOs and the media are often the sole remaining watchdogs able and willing to keep the authorities accountable before the law.…

CoE launches online platform on journalists’ safety and media violations

Following months of preparation and the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on 4 December 2014 with the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and other media partners, the Council of Europe (CoE) has officially launched today an online platform to promote the protection of journalism and safety of journalists. The platform aims to improve the protection of journalists, better address threats and violence against media professionals and foster early warning mechanisms and response capacity within the Council of Europe. Whenever there is a physical attack on journalists or legal threat to media freedom, such violations…

“Mainstream media must not spread hate speech”

This Monday (19/01/2015), the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) attended a meeting organised by the Press Club Brussels Europe on ethical reporting.  Aidan White, Director of the Ethical Journalism Network (EJN), an organisation of which the EFJ is a member, was invited to talk about the “Ethics of reporting the Charlie Hebdo killings and the challenges for journalists”. White was introduced by Peter Nicolaas Kramer, President of the Press Club Brussels Europe, and Maria Laura Franciosi, member of the Press Club Brussels Europe. “There is a major crisis in the media industry today,” started Aidan White (EJN). “We need to…