European Federation of Journalists


The importance of cooperation between freelancers across borders in Europe has increased over the years. Colleagues inspire each other; union workers share ideas and experiences. Contracts and fees, training, authors’ rights, and professional standards are all key issues for the growing – and ever more precarious- freelance community of journalists. Innovative financing models, which can give freelance journalists new possibilities/niches in media, are being explored by the EFJ and its affiliates. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) Authors’ Rights Expert Group (AREG) and the Freelance Experts’ Group (FREG) strive to defend and to promote freelance rights. We say to our…

EFJ Focus, 28 July 2014

  table.mcnFollowContent {width:100% !important;} table.mcnShareContent {width:100% !important;}     Having trouble viewing this email? View this email in your browser Share Tweet Forward to Friend 28 July 2014 EDITORIAL Juncker’s Policies – What’s Missing?  The Luxembourger, Mr Jean-Claude Juncker, has finally taken the job as the European Commission chief. Mr Juncker’s appointment as the social conservative candidate marks a turning point since the last Commission led by the centre-right party leader Mr. José Manuel Barroso. The European Union seems to have rekindled its social model. Allied with the Socialists and Liberals, Mr. Junker has made many promises. He has declared his intention to…

EFJ FOCUS 16 June 2014

  table.mcnFollowContent {width:100% !important;} table.mcnShareContent {width:100% !important;}     Having trouble viewing this email? View this email in your browser Share Tweet Forward to Friend 16 June 2014 EDITORIAL Putting Media Pluralism on EU agenda Over 200 candidates for the European Elections have endorsed our Manifesto calling for media freedom and pluralism in Europe.  Now some of them have been elected to serve the citizens for the next five years, they shall keep their promises by putting media pluralism at the heart of the EU agenda because Europe’s democracy relies on independent and pluralistic journalism. The new European Parliament and…

Resolutions Verviers 2013

The EFJ Annual Meeting in Verviers on 13 – 15 May 2013 has adopted 21 resolutions on Economic Crisis, Labour Rights, Gender Media Policy Press Freedom and Safety Gender Authors’ Rights EFJ Functioning You can download the resolutions in English or French. The Annual Meeting has also made statements to express solidarity with journalists and their unions in Cyprus, Greece, Israel, France and foreign correspondents in Syria. You can download the statements in English or French. Photo: @FadilaLaanan

Our letter to the European Parliament on the impact of Artificial Intelligence on the European creative community

On 23 July 2024, a coalition of 13 international and European organisations representing journalists, creators, authors, artists, performers and creative workers, including the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), sent a letter to newly elected Members of the European Parliament on the impact of Artificial Intelligence on the European creative community. Find the letter below. Brussels, 23 July 2024 Dear Member of the European Parliament, We are writing to you on behalf of a coalition of organisations representing the collective voice of hundreds of thousands of writers, translators, performers, composers, songwriters, screen directors, screenwriters, visual artists, journalists, and other creative workers.…

France: Threats against investigative journalist for revelations about illegal financing in the Central African Republic

On 29 June, as journalist Thomas Dietrich was about to publish an investigation entitled “When Macron protects Marine Le Pen’s financier” for online media OFF Investigation, he received a chilling threat of violence sent on the Whatsapp instant messaging network. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) and their affiliates in France, SNJ, SNJ-CGT, CFDT-Journalistes, strongly condemn these actions, apparently aimed at preventing Dietrich from publishing his work. We call on the authorities to investigate the threats against him. Thomas Dietrich, an investigative journalist specialising in “Françafrique” (France’s sphere of influence over former French colonies in sub-Saharan Africa), has…

Op-ed: Standing up for journalism as a public good

By EFJ Director Renate Schroeder, 7 March 2024 (originally published on Social Europe)   It is a truism to say democracy relies on a free press. But in a sea of misinformation that is because it’s a fact. Europe’s information ecosystem is at a crossroads. Misinformation and filter bubbles, oligarchic media capture and attacks on public-service media, indeed unprecedented attacks on journalists amid their subjection to precarious working conditions—all are leading to a brain drain from the industry. This could have a devastating impact on the quality of journalism and media pluralism, already threatened by ‘click-bait’ profit-seeking and local news ‘deserts’ deemed…

EFJ Manifesto for 2024 EU elections: Stand up for journalism as a public good

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today launched its Manifesto ahead of the 2024 EU Elections. With the motto “Stand up for journalism as a public good”, the EFJ and its affiliates aim to raise awareness about the need for a strong European Union, committed to working for trade union and human rights, the rule of law, media freedom and media pluralism. “The EFJ is calling upon future EU policymakers to stand up for journalism and journalists in Europe,” said EFJ President Maja Sever. “In the past years, the EU has done more than ever to create a safer and…

AI: Transparency must be put back at the heart of the AI Act

For an innovation- and creator-friendly AI Act: Europe’s creative community urges EU policymakers to put transparency back at the heart of the EU AI Act We represent the collective voice of hundreds of thousands of writers, translators, performers, composers, songwriters, screen directors, screenwriters, visual artists, journalists, and other creative workers whose human artistry lies at the core of the creativity that our societies cherish and enjoy on a daily basis. As the AI Act is entering into the final round of negotiations, we urge all policy makers to prioritise maximum transparency on training data and artificially generated content to provide…

AI Act: Journalists and creative workers call for a human-centric approach to regulating AI

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today joined authors, performers and other creative workers and artists, representing several hundred thousand workers, in urging the European Union institutions to agree on a balanced regulation that not only forwards the advancement of AI technologies but also promotes original human creativity. As the negotiation of the AI Act enters its final “trilogue” stage, the undersigned organisations reiterate their position and insist on the absolute need for a human-centric approach to regulating generative AI in a way that respects fundamental rights. This approach should recognise, secure and enforce the right to control the use…

World Intellectual Property Day: A crunch point for journalism, culture and democracy

This yearʼs World Intellectual Property Day – celebrated on 26 April 2023 – is marked by critical technological developments that will change the relationship between citizens and creative works – including, crucially, the creativity that goes into producing news reporting that is factual, ethical and engaging. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) represents more than 600,000 journalists in 140 countries worldwide, and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) over 320.000 journalists in 45 countries. We are committed to quality ethical journalism, recognising that this depends on journalists making a living. Machine-learning systems are “trained” on the work of human authors, among whom are journalists, photographers…

UK: EFJ joins anti-SLAPP coalition in welcoming end of Realtid case

In January 2023, Swedish business and finance publication Realtid confirmed that they had reached a settlement with businessman Svante Kumlin over a legal action Kumlin had taken as a result of articles published in late 2020. Under the terms of the settlement, while Kumlin will pay part of Realtid’s legal fees, Realtid is obliged to share a clarification and apology on its website on three of its articles about Kumlin and his company Eco Energy World (EEW). The settlement comes more than two years after the legal action against Realtid and their journalists was initiated, and seven months after a…

EFJ and 50 NGOs call on the European Parliament to ensure a strong European Media Freedom Act

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), alongside 50 journalists, press freedom organisations, European trade unions, civil society and digital rights groups, is calling on the Members of the European Parliament to start their crucial work as co-legislators for a strengthened European Media Freedom Act. Captured media markets increasingly hinder media freedom and pluralism, the precondition of a stable democracy and the rule of law. We are calling on Members of the European Parliament to engage constructively in this vital debate to ensure that the EMFA becomes a strong, coherent regulation establishing harmonised legal safeguards across Europe. We sent them the following letter: Dear…

EFJ contributed to the 2023 Commission’s Rule of Law report

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) sent on Friday its contribution to the Commission’s Rule of Law report, which reviews every year four key areas: justice systems, the anti-corruption framework, media pluralism and freedom, and checks and balances. The issues found in most of the countries surveyed are all related to media concentration and the increasing number of SLAPPs. The objective of this consultation – jointly carried out with the EFJ affiliates – is to feed the assessment of the Commission with factual information from the ground in each Member States. Read more of the EFJ’s contribution:   EFJ Contribution…

Italy: Prime Minister sues Domani newspaper for defamation

Italian defamation laws are once again being misused by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to silence and threaten independent journalism in Italy. The undersigned organisations call for the lawsuit against the newspaper Domani to be dropped and for the Italian Parliament to adopt a comprehensive reform of defamation laws in Italy.  In October 2021, the current Prime Minister, at the time member of the Italian Parliament and leader of the far-right party Fratelli d’Italia,  initiated legal action for aggravated criminal defamation against Emiliano Fittipaldi and Stefano Feltri, respectively correspondent and editor of the daily national newspaper Domani. The lawsuit originated from an article that raised…

New resources for freelance journalists and media workers in Europe

Working as a freelance or self-employed journalist has never been more challenging than in today’s changing media landscape and labour market. The precarious working conditions and the lack of legal protection for their rights are the daily reality facing freelance and self-employed journalists and media workers.  To address these issues, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), together with the trade union federations in the Media, Arts and Entertainment sector, launched a blog containing useful information regarding the legal rights of these workers and support provided by their unions and associations.  In recent years, we have developed an ongoing reflection in…