European Federation of Journalists

World Copyright Day: Journalists must be paid for tech giants’ use of their work

This yearʼs World Book and Copyright Day – celebrated on 23 April – comes at a crucial point in the conflict between authors and the internet giants as unions step up calls to ensure journalists are paid for the use of their work. The International and the European Federations of journalists (IFJ/EFJ) call on governments and civil society to ensure that internet giants do not control information and that journalists receive a fair share of the benefits collected when their works are being used by the tech corporations. The IFJ and EFJ have warned against the ongoing business models of…

Speakers’ biographies: “How can gender equality and diversity promote trust in the media?”

On 14 and 15 March 2022, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) is holding the conference “How can gender equality and diversity promote trust in the media?“ Distinguished speakers will meet in Málaga to discuss the impact that diversity and equality have on shaping public perception and trust in the media. Below, are the short bios and photos of the panelists. The final conference will wrap up the two-year project “Trust and Quality in journalism”. It is organised in partnership with the Andalusian Journalists Union (SPA) and the Federation of Journalists Unions (FeSP) and funded by the European Commission. Day 1 speakers Introduction:  Marta Barcenilla Escaño is…

Belarus: radical crackdown against the free word

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the European Council of Literary Translators’ Associations (CEATL) and the European Writers Council (EWC) call on the governments of Europe and the international community to demonstrate firm support for the democracy movement in Belarus and to provide refuge and humanitarian assistance to those fleeing the country. One Year after the rigged elections in Belarus,the country is being overrun with a radical crackdown on free speech and humanitarian organizations by the dictatorial Lukashenko regime. More than 1,500 organizations have been targeted by the “radical cleansing”, 41 are already on trial for state-ordered dissolution, including the…

The report “A New Deal for Journalism” neglects the working conditions of journalists

The Forum on Information and Democracy published yesterday its report titled “A New Deal for Journalism”. The report presents, among other, a plan to guarantee up to 0.1% of GDP per year to journalism “in order to preserve its social function for the future”. The document however neglects the central issue of journalists’ working conditions and the worrying precariousness of the profession. Written for the Forum by Sameer Padania, who heads the consultancy firm Macroscope, the report recalls a series of long-standing demands, such as transparency of media ownership and increased public support for the media to ensure pluralism. However,…

Our submission for the European Commission Recommendations on the Safety of Journalists

Following the European News Media Forum, the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), including the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), drafted a submission to the European Commission as part of their proposed Recommendations on the Safety of Journalists. The EFJ contributed to the MFRR submission (see PDF below) providing information and recommendations to the European Commission concerning the safety of journalists and media workers. This will feed into a recommendation to the Member States announced in the European Democracy Action Plan, which will seek to ensure better and targeted implementation of a number of requirements set out in the Council of…

Solidarity with Belarusian journalists: “I am a journalist. Why do you beat me?”

The Polish Association of Journalists (SDP), in cooperation with the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU), the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today presented the book “I am a journalist. Why do you beat me? “, as part of an action of solidarity with repressed journalists in Belarus. The book is a collection of 20 stories of Belarusian journalists, victims of repression just because they fulfill their professional duty: to inform about the demonstrations taking place in their country. The director of the publication is Sergiy Tomilenko, President of NUJU, member of…

US and Asian consumer device manufacturers are targeting the Visegrad4 countries to avoid private copying compensation

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) has co-signed a letter with representatives of authors, performers, publishers and creative workers at EU level calling on the European Commission, national authorities and MEPs from V4 countries to reject demands and defend European interests on private copying. The letter reads: Some of the world’s biggest consumer device manufacturers are aggressively targeting the Visegrad Four countries in an effort to weaken national legislation or application of the existing legal framework on private copying. European organisations and unions representing authors, performers, publishers and creative workers therefore call on governments and EU decision-makers to take a…

Journalists’ Federations say Google $1 Billion Pledge to the global news industry a far cry from fair remuneration

In a second ground-breaking announcement on licensing news since 25 June, Google pledged on Thursday 1 October to offer $1 Billion in the next three years to license news. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) say the pledge is a far cry from what Google should pay the global news industry and journalists worldwide, and demand full transparency on the programme and deals with news publishers. The company will license news for its “News Showcase”, a programme that allows publishers to create “story panels” or teasers with photos and videos, selected and packaged by publishers. The teasers, in…

EFJ and IFJ demand use of Extended Collective Licensing in new EU Copyright Directive submission

The European and International Federations of Journalists (EFJ-IFJ), respectively Europe’s and the world’s largest organisations of journalists, responded on 9 September to a consultation by the European Commission (EC) on the implementation of Article 17 of the EU Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market.  Article 17 of the EU Directive aims to close the “value-gap” between rights holders and online platforms and to ensure a fair share of the wealth generated by online platforms using protected works, is distributed to creative industries and their authors, including journalists. In a second submission on the article, the federations supported the…

New EU report calls for permanent European fund for journalists

The European Parliament issued at the request of its LIBE Committee a new report on the safety of journalists and the fighting of corruption in the European Union. Led by Professor Tarlach McGonagle, the study concludes that journalists’ working conditions are deteriorating and calls for the creation of a permanent European fund for journalists in the framework of the next EU Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF 2921-2027). The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) strongly supports this proposal. The dramatic dismantling of media pluralism in Hungary, in some cases with the help of EU funds, shows that it is high time for…

Journalists unions demand transparency and a fair share for journalists in Google’s deals with publishers

After years of resisting demands to pay for news, Google said in a surprise announcement on 25 June it had reached deals with a number of news publishers around the world. The European and International Federations of Journalists (EFJ/IFJ) and their affiliates demand transparency on the deals and assurances that journalists will receive their share. Deals between Google and news publishers were signed in several countries, including Australia, Brazil, and Germany, and were part, the tech giant said, of a “new experience that would focus on high-quality content and help participating publishers monetize it.”  No details were made available, but the agreements…

We call for ambitious EU budgetary measures to get through the COVID-19 crisis

Time to put words into action! Europe’s cultural and creative sectors were among the first and hardest hit by the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis. They will also be among the last. Across Europe, almost all cultural activities have been cancelled or postponed indefinitely, while venues and retailers have closed with disastrous consequences for all creators’ and cultural and creative professionals’ livelihoods, as well as the ecosystem as a whole. Millions of jobs are on the line. In its Resolution on how to combat the COVID-19 crisis and its consequences1 , the European Parliament rightly underlines that the cultural and creative sectors “have…

World Intellectual Property Day 2020: “Some are trying to water down the EU Copyright Directive”

On World Intellectual Property Day 2020, April 26, the European and International Federations of journalists (EFJ-IFJ) are putting the spotlight on the so-called “publishers’ right”, one of the key achievements of the EU Copyright Directive in the Digital Single Market, interviewing three copyright experts of the EFJ Authors’ Rights Experts Group (AREG). Michael Khlem,Senior advisor of the Deutsche Journalisten-Verband (DJV), the German Journalists Association, one of the largest journalists’ organizations in Europe. Olivier Da Lage, a journalist at Radio France International and board member of the Syndicat national des journalistes (SNJ), and a member of the Conseil supérieur de la…

Celebrating the EU Copyright Reform for a Fairer Digital World

Friday 17 April marked one year since the adoption by the European Union (EU) of the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market. World Intellectual Property Day (April 26) is another occasion for the International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) and their affiliates in Europe and around the world, to celebrate this major achievement and the gains made since. We are marking this occasion by releasing an interview with three copyright experts, on the Directive’s new neighbouring right for press publications, and its key benefits for our sector and members. The Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single…

Journalists’ organisations demand fair share in EU Copyright Directive submission

The European and International Federations of Journalists (EFJ-IFJ) submitted on 6 March a position paper to the European Commission (EC) on the implementation of Article 17 of the EU Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market, to ensure protected journalistic works available on online content-sharing service providers (“OCSSPs”) are effectively and fairly remunerated. Article 17 of the new Directive aims to close the “value-gap” between rights-holders and online platforms and to ensure a fair share of the wealth generated by platforms, – tech giants in particular – using protected works, is distributed to creative industries and their authors. The position…

The right to collective bargaining for all workers is a fundamental right

“Was not competition law meant to “control” the big and powerful?” asked Professor Nicola Countouris, University College London, in the opening keynote address on “Re-thinking the competition law/labour law interaction: promoting a fairer labour market, in Dublin last week. The final conference on “Organising and bargaining for atypical workers” organised by the International Actors Federation (FIA) in cooperation with the EFJ, FIM (Musicians) and UNI-MEI (other media workers) brought together over 90 trade union leaders from the Arts, media and entertainment sector. Together with labour- and competition academics, the European Commission, the OECD and ILO representatives, the federations discussed how…