EFJ joins call for Italian political forces to take a stand against SLAPPs

The right of citizens to be informed about matters of public interest and of journalists to write freely about them cannot and must not be hindered by SLAPPs. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joined civil society’s appeal to the future parliament to promote measures to contrast strategic lawsuits. SLAPPs (Strategic lawsuits against public participation) aim at silencing journalists, activists, whistleblowers, and anyone who sheds light on matters of public interest. SLAPPs are a true violation of the right of citizens to be informed and freedom of expression. SLAPPs also pose serious restrictions on democratic participation as they deprive the…

MFRR Monitoring Report: 311 media freedom violations recorded in first half of 2022 in Europe

Amidst the unprecedented attack on democratic freedoms in Ukraine, serious violations of media freedom have continued to take place all over Europe in the first six months of 2022, according to a report published today by the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR). The report was compiled by the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the International Press Institute (IPI) and the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF). The MFRR monitoring report – available to download – documents violations and attacks on media freedom across European Union Member States and Candidate Countries between January and June 2022. It illustrates the increasing…

France: EFJ co-signs Charter for a better account of the ecological emergency in the media

Committed to a better treatment of the climate crisis, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) is a co-signatory of the Charter for upgraded journalistic practices to tackle the ecological emergency, alongside many media, journalists, journalism schools and journalists’ unions in France. The Charter, published on 14 September 2022, with the support of the scientific community, contains 13 articles to improve media coverage of all issues related to climate, life and social justice. The EFJ encourages all journalists to promote this charter in their newsrooms, so that the media integrate the major ecological and social issues of the 21st century in…

Albanian Flag

Albania: Press freedom groups call for a fair trial in defamation lawsuit by former top prosecutor against Isa Myzyraj

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joined the undersigned media freedom and freedom of expression organisations in expressing concerns about the defamation lawsuit filed against journalist Isa Myzyraj, who works for Ora News, by Elizabeta Imeraj. Formerly Tirana’s top prosecutor, Imeraj was fired in April 2022 as part of the justice reform process for causing a loss of trust in the justice system and inability to justify or explain her assets. On the occasion of yesterday’s hearing, we call for a fair trial with full respect for all due process rights and in which the importance of free speech, press…

Belarus: EFJ calls for the release of journalist Pavel Mazheyka

Belarusian journalist Pavel Mazheyka was arrested in Hrodna on 30 August 2022, and remanded in custody on unknown charges. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) calls for his immediate release along with 26 other journalists and media workers currently imprisoned in Belarus. Pavel Mazheyka, 44, is a renowned journalist, who worked for one of the first independent newspapers Pahonia and for Belsat. He is the head of the cultural center “Center for Urban Life” and coordinator of the City Library publishing initiative, which specialised in publishing books about the city of Hrodna and written by Hrodna-based authors. Considered as one…

Sign "Journalism is not a crime"

Turkey: Twenty journalists including TGS leadership blacklisted by police

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joined the partner organisations of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) in expressing solidarity with the twenty journalists blacklisted by the Turkish General Directorate of Security (EGM) for their writing and joined Turkey’s Journalists Union (TGS) in denouncing an apparent attempt to intimidate independent journalists and trade unionists. On 5 September, the Mezopotamya News Agency (MA) revealed that the General Directorate of Security (EGM) had blacklisted 20 journalists in relation to their writings for the online magazine Journalist Post, a periodical run by journalists living in exile. No legal proceedings have yet been initiated…

Serbia: Support for OK Radio as it faces intimidation by powerful businessperson

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joined its partners organisations of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) today in expressing support and solidarity with embattled broadcaster OK Radio and urging Serbian law enforcement authorities to put an end to the dangerous campaign of harassment and pressure exerted on the media outlet by a powerful local businessperson. Over the last few months, OK Radio, a leading independent radio station which covers local news in the southern city of Vranje, has faced an increasingly violent wave of attacks and intimidation from Dejan Nikolic Kantar, a powerful gambling businessperson. Pressure on the media…

Russia: Ivan Safronov has been sentenced to 22 years in jail

Former Russian journalist Ivan Safronov who has been imprisoned for alleged “high treason” since 7 July 2020, was sentenced to a 22-year jail term on 5 September. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) joins their affiliate the Journalists and Media Workers Union (JMWU) in strongly condemning the decision of the Moscow City Court. Ivan Safronov was a prominent journalist reporting until May 2020 on defence issues for Russian newspapers Kommersant and Vedomosti, before becoming an adviser for the Russian space agency Roscosmos. Safronov is accused of “high treason” for allegedly providing state secrets related to arms sales to the Czech Republic,…

Greece: General strike in private TV to protest against staff precarity

Journalists and media workers from private television stations in Greece will be on strike for 24 hours from 5:00 AM on 6 September to protest against a draft regulation that would undermine job security and make conditions more precarious for up to 40% of workers. The International and the European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join their Greek affiliates (the Journalists’ Union of Athens Daily Newspapers, the Journalists’ Union of Macedonia and Thrace Daily Newspapers, the Panhellenic Federation of Journalists’ Union and the Union of Magazine and Electronic Press Journalists) in calling on the government to withdraw the regulation, safeguard the…

Ukraine: Russian rocket destroys office of journalists’ union in Kharkiv

The building housing the offices of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU), as well as media outlets and printing houses, in Kharkiv in northeast Ukraine, may collapse due to the damage caused following a Russian missile strike. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) denounced the attack and expressed their support to the Kharkiv NUJU branch and the workers who are no longer able to continue their work. According to NUJU, an IFJ/EFJ affiliate, several weeks were needed to carry out checks and precise damage control following the rocket attack, which took place at night on 31 July…

UK: EFJ backs strike, after Reach talks end without settlement

1000 journalists are set to strike after two days of negotiations between IFJ-EFJ affiliate, the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) and Reach, the UK’s largest national and regional news publisher, broke down without a deal. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) have backed the workers’ demands for a fair pay rise and fully support the strike, which starts on Wednesday 31 August. NUJ members across Reach titles will strike on Wednesday 31st August. Union representatives unanimously passed a vote of no confidence in the chief executive, and also agreed to add an additional day of strike action to…

Poland: Spanish journalist held in pre-trial detention for six months despite “lack of evidence”

A Polish court extended the pre-trial detention of Spanish journalist Pablo González for the second time on 23 August, meaning he will spend up to a further 3 months in jail. The journalist, who was covering the humanitarian crisis on the Polish-Ukrainian border, was arrested on 28 February in the south-western city of Rzeswów, accused of being “an agent of Russian intelligence”. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) and their Spanish affiliates urge the authorities to release González without further delay, and ensure he will receive a fair trial. “The Polish court has ordered González to be remanded…

Ukraine: MFRR partners reiterate call for safety and support of media 6 months after invasion

Today, 24 August, marks both the Ukrainian day of Independence and six months since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression. On this occasion, the partners in the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) reiterate our continued solidarity with the journalists and media workers who risk their lives and safety to bring the world independent, balanced, and accurate information from the frontlines. The killing, kidnapping, and other attacks on journalists must stop and those responsible must face justice for their crimes under national and international law. The safety of media workers is essential to inform the world about the realities…

Germany: Misuse of funds at RBB highlights need for greater accountability in publicly funded media

The partners of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) denounce the obvious misuse of public funds by Patricia Schlesinger, former director of Berlin’s public broadcaster Radio Berlin Brandenburg (RBB). We welcome her instant dismissal while demanding a thorough investigation and calling for improved accountability in publicly funded media. On 15 August, the Rundfunkrat, which supervises the broadcaster, decided to instantly dismiss Ms. Schlesinger following her decision to step back from her position as director on 7 August. The dismissal was made in response to a wave of allegations related to mismanagement of public funds. Among the allegations are the allocation…

Belgium: Everything is going up, except freelance rates

Freelance rates in Belgium have been stagnating for three years, according to a survey conducted in May and June 2022 by the Belgian Association of Professional Journalists (AJP). In a context of rising inflation (8% expected), the gap between employed journalists, who benefit from annual salary indexation, and freelancers is widening. The journalists’ organisation will make the remuneration of freelancers a priority from September. Journalism is one of the few sectors where the clients – the media – set the rates. The different calculation practices (billing per sign, per word, per line, per article, per day) make it difficult, to…

Hungary: We welcome EU court referral over Klubrádió frequency

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today joined media freedom and freedom of expression organisations in welcoming the European Commission’s decision to refer Hungary to the Court of Justice of the European Union over the February 2021 decision of the country’s Media Council to force independent broadcaster Klubrádió from the airwaves. This decision by the EU’s executive body to take Hungary to court over the alleged breach in EU telecoms rules regarding Klubrádió’s frequency licence is a belated but important signal that the Commission is increasingly willing to use the tools available to it to defend independent media, freedom of…