Georgia: the Parliament approves a censorship bill

On 17 September, Georgia’s Parliament adopted a legislative package entitled “Family Values and the Protection of Minors.” Among the amendments contrary to press freedom and freedom of expression, the legislation imposes censorship on media by banning broadcasters from freely reporting on LGBT+ issues. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) strongly condemns Georgia’s draft law, which aims to seriously endanger the non-discrimination rights of the LGBT+ community in Georgia by censoring broadcasters on topics of the utmost importance. The EFJ calls on the Georgian government to immediately reconsider such a repressive and discriminatory bill and instead uphold freedom of the press…

COVID-19: Ukrainian journalist attacked while investigating sale of protective masks

TV channel NewsOne journalist Tetiana Sivokon was physically attacked by a shop owner, in the Khmelnitsky region, while shooting a story about the sale of protective medical masks, on 24 March. Ukraine is experiencing masks shortage during the coronavirus pandemic. While preparing a report on this topic, NewsOne TV crew was informed by locals that the owner of a drug store had several large boxes with medical masks. The targeted journalist Tetiana Sivokon explained: “We went to this shop, saw the announcement that masks are in stock. I politely introduced myself and asked if I could buy masks. Seeing the…

COVID-19: Europe’s leaders must protect free flow of information

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the major network of journalists’ organisations in Europe, today called on European leaders to protect free flow of information and ensure that media freedom will be guaranteed as states strive to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. The EFJ joined together with eight other press freedom bodies and journalists’ organisations to express its profound concerns about the dangers of governments taking advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic to punish independent and critical media and to introduce restrictions on the access of media to government decision making and action. While recognizing that certain emergency measures are needed to…

COVID-19: EFJ and IFJ urge Turkish government not to discriminate against political prisoners

Sixteen human rigths and professional organisations urged Turkish Government not to discriminate against political prisoners in its forthcoming early parole bill. The Arrested Lawyers Initiative, European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), Foundation of Day of the Endangered Lawyers, Freemuse Association, International Association of People’s Lawyers, International Observatory of Human Rights, International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), Italian Federation for Human Rights, Lawyers for Lawyers, Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada, Liga voor de Rechten van de Mens, Platform for Peace and Justice, Social Justice Advocacy Campaign, Open Dialogue Foundation, Media and Law Studies Association made a…

Italy: Chief Editor under police protection after receiving death threats from neo-Nazi group

Carlo Verdelli, Chief Editor of “La Repubblica”, a left wing and well-respected Italian newspaper, has been put under police protection after receiving death threats from neo-Nazi groups. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) together with the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) join their Italian affiliate, Federazione Nazionale Stampa Italiana (FNSI), in expressing solidarity towards Carlo Verdelli and strongly condemning this appalling intimidation. The police protection measure was ordered by the Interior Ministry on 12 March, following several threats including a death threat coming from a so-called “Neo-Nazi’” silent cells. The FNSI Main Boarding said: “The police protection of Carlo Verdelli…

COVID-19: journalists threatened with imprisonment in Hungary

UPDATE (30/03/2020): The Hungarian Parliament on Monday voted to allow the government of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to rule by decree without a set time limit. Under new law, people who spread what are viewed as untrue or distorted facts now face several years in jail. —————————— The Hungarian government demanded today an indefinite extension of the state of emergency. The bill would give prime minister Viktor Orbán sweeping powers to rule by decree, and the power to impose prison sentences of up to five years for promoting false information. The government has portrayed its request as a necessary response to…

COVID-19: some media are cutting back on the working conditions of journalists

The work of journalists is more necessary than ever, in a context of health crisis. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) welcomes the professional and social commitment of its members. However, the EFJ is strongly concerned about the cost-cutting measures (salary cuts, unilateral reductions in working conditions, etc.) imposed on journalists and media workers by some media companies. The EFJ considers these measures unfair and counterproductive. We call on European and national political authorities to protect the social status of employed and self-employed journalists. Together with the UN, OSCE and IACHR media freedom watchdogs, the EFJ believes that “governments must…

COVID-19: governments must promote free flow of information

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) welcomed the joint statement issued today by David Kaye, UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, Harlem Désir, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, and Edison Lanza, IACHR Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression calling on governments to promote and protect access to and free flow of information during COVID-19 pandemic. In light of the growing disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the monitors for freedom of expression and freedom of the media for the United Nations, the Inter-American Commission for Human Rights,…

Bulgaria: Masked men assaulted journalist Slavi Angelov

Investigative journalist Slavi Angelov was assaulted near his home in Sofia on 17 March by two unidentified masked men while another filmed the attack. The International Federation of Journalists and the European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) join their affiliate, the Union of Bulgarian Journalists (UBJ) in strongly condemning the brutal attack and urge the authorities to bring the attackers and masterminds to justice. Angelov, editor-in-chief of the weeky 168 Hours, has reported on sensitive issues including the acquittal of a businessman who had caused environmental damage and was involved in prostitution as well as on tycoon Vasil Bozhkov‘s…

EFJ President: “COVID-19 measures must not be used as a pretext to censor journalists”

We are all affected by the Coronavirus pandemic, and we all have a responsibility to cope with this crisis. In this very challenging time, journalism has a vital role in informing the public with fact-based data. A lot of tips and professional advice has circulated to reduce the spread of dis- and misinformation. It is now that worried people look out for trusted news. COVID-19 is developing at global scale, and with disinformation and nationalistic, even racist rhetoric on the rise, independent journalism is systemically relevant for our democracies. We cannot accept any measures trying to limit the free media,…

Afgan Mukhtarli released, but still 102 journalists in prison in Europe

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) welcomes the release of independent journalist Afgan Mukhtarli, who was previously sentenced to six years imprisonment by the Belakani District Court of Azerbaijan on 12 January 2018. He spent three years in arbitrary detention. Five other journalists are still behind bars for doing their job in Azerbaijan: Araz Guliyev, Elchin Ismayilli, Ikram Rahimov, Ziya Asadli, Polad Aslanov. There are currently 102 journalists in prison in Europe. The EFJ calls for their immediate release. Independent journalist Afgan Mukhtarli has been released from prison in Azerbaijan on Tuesday 17 March, on a fine of around 534…

COVID-19: journalists must be allowed to telework

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) welcomes the measures being taken to ensure the safety of journalists during the COVID-19 outbreak. However, we condemn the attitude of some employers in the sector who are forcing their journalists to work from the newsroom. In the current situation, journalists’ health and safety is our first priority. We call on all media employers to apply the principles of prevention, implementing all appropriate measures to protect the health of journalists in the workplace. The EFJ has learned from its affiliates that some employers in the sector are refusing to allow journalists to telework. The…

EFJ cancels the second edition of the Free European Media conference in Gdansk

UPDATE (10.03.2020): Due to the increased outbreak of the coronavirus and after a consultation today with relevant stakeholders, the EFJ decided to cancel the Free European Media 2020 conference in Gdansk. We apologise for the inconvenience of this late cancellation, justified by the worsening of the situation and the increased precautionary measures announced by several States and airlines. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) is a partner organisation of the 2020 edition of Free European Media conference in the Polish city of Gdansk. Building on the success of last year’s event, the conference welcomes speakers and policy makers from across…

Italy: journalist threatened by mafia group

On 6 March, Gennaro Del Giudice was threatened by the Camorra mafia while reporting on a shooting in Naples, Italy. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) condemn this act of intimidation and call on the authorities to guarantee his safety. Del Giudice is the Editorial Director of Cronaca Flegrea and works with Il Mattino di Napoli. Cronaca Flegrea has previously been targeted by the mafia group because of its publications and investigations. On Wednesday 6 March, following his arrest, a mafia affiliate threatened Del Giudice. After being handcuffed, he said that the raid on his home…

Montenegro: Public broadcaster threatens journalists for speaking out

Management of the Public Radio and Television of Montenegro (RTCG) have launched disciplinary proceedings against its editor Zoran Lekovic and journalist Nevenka Cirovic for exposing alleged irregularities at the broadcaster on social media. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) join the Trade Union Of Media of Montenegro (SMCG) in condemning this act of intimidation and call on managers to withdraw the threat. Disciplinary procedures were initiated against Cirovic, SMCG’s vice president, and Lekovic due to Facebook posts in which they condemned numerous irregularities at the public media. The SMCG warned that the procedures could result in…

EFJ urges politicians and media to report responsibly on COVID-19

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) regrets the lack of a coordinated European health response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The EFJ calls on European policy-makers, at EU and national level, to make clear recommendations in coordination with all relevant stakeholders. Journalists must be able to deliver factual information and clear recommendations to citizens who are more and more irritated by the inflation of information around the COVID-19. They have a duty to counter dis- and misinformation about the coronavirus. They have a responsibility to give the floor to experts, qualified to comment on such sensitive issues. The EFJ joins the…

Turkey’s Journalists’ Union holds nationwide protests against latest wave of arrests

Originally published on The Journalists’ Union of Turkey (TGS) has organized nationwide demonstrations to protest the latest wave of arrests targeting newsroom managers and reporters of critical news outlets. The protests led by the TGS were held in Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Adana and Diyarbakir provinces on March 10 under the title “Journalism Is Not a Crime”. 28 journalists were detained in recent days and eight were arrested citing their news reports or social media comments criticizing the government. “We call on the Justice Minister: Stop putting pressure on courts and let them judge independently. You will then see how…