Europäische Journalisten Föderation

South-east Europe Media Forum (SEEMF) 2014

The EFJ has been invited to contribute to the last South-east Europe Media Forum (SEEMF) 2014 held on 16-18 October 2014 in Skopje. The event was organized by the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), the Media Program South East Europe of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and the Central European Initiative (CEI) in partnership with UNESCO, the European Commission, International Academy – International Media Center (IA-IMC) and South East and Central Europe PR Organisation (SECEPRO) and in cooperation with the South East European Network for the Professionalization of Media (SEENPM), Macedonian Institute for Media, Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM/ZNM), the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs, the Council of Europe (COE), the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso (OBC) and the M6 Education Center in Skopje.

The theme of this year’s SEEMF was Media in South East Europe: Not enough or too much information?. Discussions mainly focussed on the right to access information, data journalism, privacy and the protection of sources, self-regulation and standards of quality reporting. A session was dedicated to opinion making in times of conflict and the lessons of the media war in Ukraine.

The EFJ contribution was on the Press Freedom Panel and the Censorship disquised in free countries.