European Federation of Journalists

The IFJ and the EFJ mourn death of Ukrainian journalist

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) are deeply saddened by the death of Ukrainian journalist Sergii Nikolaiev, 43, in eastern Ukraine, on Saturday. Sergii Nikolaiev, senior photographer of Segodnya daily Ukrainian newspaper, died of wounds after an artillery attack near the village of Pesky located just 1.5 kilometer from Donetsk airport, in eastern Ukraine, on February 28. He has become the first Ukrainian journalist killed in eastern Ukraine and the seventh one of the entire journalists’ death toll of this war. Five journalists from Russia and one from Italy were killed in this war last…

Nils Muižnieks (CoE) ready to strenghten synergies with EFJ-IFJ for media freedom

The growing trend of legal restrictions on journalists and media in Europe is an issue of concern raised in a meeting today (26/02/2015) with the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Nils Muižnieks, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ). The EFJ presented an exclusive survey on the legal restrictions facing journalists and media. The discussion showed that journalists are most concerned by laws on data retention, protections of sources, anti-terrorism laws, privacy and defamation. The EFJ and its affiliates expressed concerns that such trend of legal restrictions is growing in the climate of fear…

Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly warns over Europe’s press freedom

The European Federation of Journalists welcomes today the adoption of a report on the Protection of Media Freedom in Europe by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) but warns about the worrying trends on press freedom in Europe. “Although we welcome the adoption of the report, it highlighted again the worrying trends in Europe on press freedom particularly in countries where serious cases of press freedom violations are prominent,” said Mogens Blicher Bjerregård. “Countries highlighted in the report including Azerbaijan, Hungary, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine should step up their efforts in improving their press freedom records.” emphasised…

SC candidate 2016 Nadezda AZGIKHINA

  CV Graduated from Moscow State University, Faculty of Journalism. PhD in journalism, Moscow State University. Worked in ” Ogonyok” national  magazine, symbol of Gorbachov perestroyka, “Nezavisimaya Gazeta” (Independent). Since 2003- executive Secretary of Russian Union of Journalists. Member of Russian PEN, member of Union of Russian Writers, co-founder of Association of Women Journalists and International women’s magazine ” We/Myi”. In 2013 elected Vice president of EFJ. Participant of number of International  projects and programs on gender, human rights, safety of journalists  and freedom of expression under UNESCO, UN, OSCE umbrella. In 2014-2016- Russian coordinator of  Dialogue of professional organizations of…

#JeSuisCharlie photos, videos and tributes: journalists stand in solidarity

This story is developing. We will continue to update it as we gather more information. Meanwhile, we are gathering solidarity messages sent from jounalists, journalists’ unions, NGOs and supporters in Europe and around the world. Read and send your solidarity message at the commentary box of this post at the bottom of this page. Updates: Brussels’ press corps pays tribute to Charlie Hebdo journalists. See video from Belga : #JeSuisCharlie in Thessaloníki. @EFJEUROPE attends. — Yannis Kotsifos (@YannisKotsifos) January 8, 2015 08/01/2014: In this video, Belgian cartoonists (Kroll, Cécile Bertrand, Sondron, Marec, Samuel, Dubus,…) were joined by AGJPB-ABVV (Journalists…

EFJ-IFJ alarmed by the creation of “Orwellian” information ministry

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) are alarmed by the creation of a government body to control information and the media in Ukraine. According to media reports, the Ukrainian Parliament on Tuesday 2 December has passed a proposal to create a new body called the Ministry of Information Policy with the aim of “confronting Russia’s formidable propaganda machine”. The government has appointed Mr. Yuriy Stets, a close ally to President Petro Poroshenko and the head of the Information Security Department of the National Guard of Ukraine, to lead the ministry. The EFJ and…

Solidarité avec les journalistes des bureaux de Moscou et de Kiev

(03.12.2014) La Fédération Européenne des Journalistes (FEJ) se joint à l’action groupée de ses syndicats-membres, les syndicats français de journalistes (SNJ, SNJ-CGT, CFDT journalistes) et le syndicat russe des journalistes (RUJ), et apporte son soutien aux journalistes travaillant sous droit local des bureaux de l’AFP en Russie et en Ukraine, dont les salaires ont été très sensiblement impactés par la chute du rouble. Les journalistes de ces bureaux ont demandé, avec l’appui des syndicats de l’AFP, une réévaluation de leurs conditions salariales avec un réajustement de la parité rouble-dollar pour faire face à la crise actuelle. La réponse de la…

Moscow – the unexpected journey

The Swiss journalist and writer, Roman Berger, recalled his journey to Moscow at the EFJ Annual Meeting and the struggle for journalists and their unions to be independent in a country like Russia where the state controls everything. “Moscow is not a media desert with only pro-government media” – this is Berger’s conclusion. By Roman Berger   The delegate from Estonia has summed up the reason of his presence at the EFJ Annual Meeting: “Only when I found out after my research that the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ) is a critical organisation, my union was willing to send me…

EFJ Annual Meeting Supports Ethical Journalism in Russia

Some 53 delegates from 26 countries representing trade union organsations and professional associations of journalists at the Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) in Moscow on 21 November expressed their solidarity and full support for ethical journalism and the struggle of Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ) to defend independent journalism and the safety of journalism. The Annual Meeting commenced with a minute of silence to remember the 56 journalists who were killed for doing their jobs since 1993 in Russia. ‘‘Journalists in Russia are facing a great challenge today. We need more than ever solidarity, unity and…

#EFJAM: “to portray the truth with our pen”

Our job is neither to please nor to harm anyone; our job is to portray the truth with our pen … What Albert Londres, a French journalist and one of the founding father of investigative journalism, said has captured the spirit of the Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Journalist which will be held  at the House of Journalist in Moscow this Friday 21 and Saturday 22 of November. While the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) held its last World Congress in Istanbul, the EFJ will hold its Annual Meeting in the capital of Russia. The goal is to…

EFJ in the news

EU Reporter – Media union condemns death of British journalist in Ukraine (29.08.2024) The Media Line – Journalists Demand EU Suspend Israel Agreement Over Press Freedom Violations (28.08.2024) Vijesti – Sever: Montenegrin media scene subject to political pressure (24.08.2024) TVP World – Russian foreign ministry threatens Italian journalists reporting from Kursk frontline with criminal prosecution (16.08.2024) Finchannel – Georgia: Authoritarian “foreign law” must be withdrawn (02.08.2024) Domani – Meloni crea menzogne e caos. Così mette a rischio i cronisti ( (02.08.2024) Le Méridional – Liberté de la presse : explosion des violences contre les journalistes pendant les législatives (31.07.2024) Libération –…

South-east Europe Media Forum (SEEMF) 2014

The EFJ has been invited to contribute to the last South-east Europe Media Forum (SEEMF) 2014 held on 16-18 October 2014 in Skopje. The event was organized by the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), the Media Program South East Europe of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and the Central European Initiative (CEI) in partnership with UNESCO, the European Commission, International Academy – International Media Center (IA-IMC) and South East and Central Europe PR Organisation (SECEPRO) and in cooperation with the South East European Network for the Professionalization of Media (SEENPM), Macedonian Institute for Media, Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM/ZNM), the…

EFJ Focus, 9 October 2014

  table.mcnFollowContent {width:100% !important;} table.mcnShareContent {width:100% !important;}     Having trouble viewing this email? View this email in your browser Share Tweet Forward to Friend 13 October 2014 EDITORIAL When Governments are Losing Touch with Civil Society  As EFJ President, I was present at the International Governance Forum (IGF) in Istanbul at beginning of September in a global debate focusing on the development of the digital world and its impact issues most concerning journalists such as press freedom, protection of sources, safety and free access to information. During the discussion, a representative from Tunisia expressed framed in my view one of…

Skopje Media Conference Publishes Conclusions

Journalists unions from across the former Soviet Union and South East Europe gathered to debate the status of journalism, union organising and violations and safety of journalists rights across the region. The meeting was the third joint IFJ / EFJ meeting in the region to build greater collaboration and support for journalists unions across Europe. Discussions focused on labour rights, new forms of organising and recruitment, union campaigning, legal defense and new digital tools. The meeting started by recalling the many hundreds of journalists that have suffered violence and persecution for their work since the 2013 conference in Kiev and…

Steering Committee

AS ELECTED IN JUNE 2022, IZMIR (TURKEY) and UPDATED ON 8 JUNE 2023   PRESIDENT     Maja SEVER Trade Union of Croatian Journalists (TUCJ), Croatia @SeverMaja   VICE-PRESIDENT   Mustafa KULELI Journalists’ Union of Turkey (TGS), Turkey @MKuleli SC MEMBERS Andrea ROTH  Deutscher Journalisten-Verband (DJV), Germany @AndreaRoth22 Anna DEL FREO Italian National Press Federation (FNSI), Italy    @Anna_DelFreo   Pablo AIQUEL SNJ-CGT, France @pablo_aiquel Marta Barcenilla FSC-CCOO, Spain @martabarce Allan BOYE THULSTRUP Danish Union of Journalists (DJ), Denmark @ABThulstrup Martine SIMONIS Association des journalistes professionnels (AJP), Belgium @SimonisMartine   Sergiy TOMILENKO National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU), Ukraine…

Our Staff

Ricardo Gutiérrez General Secretary ricardo(at) Renate Schroeder Director renate(at) Adrien Collin Head of Finance & Project Officer adrien(at) Yuk Lan Wong Head of Project yuklan(at) Camille Petit Senior Communications Officer camille(at) Camille Magnissalis Junior Press Freedom Monitoring Officer cmagnissalis(at) Rebecca Bonello Ghio Project & Policy Officer rebecca(at) Anna Dovha Project, Finance & Administration Assistant, Advisor on Ukraine and Belarus anna(at) Contact