European Federation of Journalists

EFJ Focus June 2016

The EFJ newsletter, EFJ Focus, is available in English, in French and in German.   EDITORIAL Towards stronger unions Common values and divided opinions were shared during the EFJ General Meeting in Sarajevo. What stood out in the meeting and bound us together was our common values to defend journalists’ rights, independent journalism and the commitment to build stronger unions.I thank for support of colleagues who entrusted me to be the EFJ president for the next three years. And I look forwards to the next three years. Together with the newly elected Steering Committee,  we will make a strong team to deliver more results and services to…

Commission VP Ansip backs call for investigation on fair remuneration in EU copyright review

The Creators Conference 2016 concluded on Tuesday 31 after a productive day of panels, interviews and speeches by prominent artists, experts and policy makers discussing the current issues faced by the European creators’ community and the cultural and creative industries. The Authors’ Group welcomed European Commission Vice-President Andrus Ansip in charge of the Digital Single Market for a keynote speech in which the Commissioner confirmed the “need to look closer at the conditions for remunerating creators and getting a fair share of the value generated”. Vice-President Ansip also stressed the “follow the money approach” and “widening access to content” for consumers…

President speech at EFJ General Meeting 2016, Sarajevo

Speech by Mogens Blicher Bjerregård (EFJ President) Ladies and Gentlemen – distinguished delegates, observers and guests! International solidarity among journalist unions and association is of huge importance as cross border activities in Europe are constantly increasing. Being in Sarajevo listening yesterday at the pre-meeting to the challenges and encouragement you have in Bosnia & Hercegovina, the Balkans, The South Eastern Europe, there is an inspiration of hope. You have the severe problems in collective bargaining, in getting journalists to understand at all, that they have rights, but it is impressive to understand how meet this. After several conferences in this region of…

EFJ Focus April 2016

The EFJ newsletter, EFJ Focus, is available in English and in French.   EDITORIAL Building stronger unions and quality journalism No one will doubt the importance of high quality journalism in a democratic society especially with recent revelations from the investigative reporting of the ‘‘Panama Papers’’ and ‘‘LuxLeaks’’. The revelations reaffirm that independent and quality journalism is a prerequisite and a fundamental pillar for democracy. This is why we need investment in journalism in order to allow journalists to do their job in an environment media freedom, decent working conditions and authors’ rights are respected. This will be the main topic…

World Copyright Day: Outlaw unfair contractual practices!

Legislators must take concrete steps against unfair contractual clauses in their laws. This is the message put across by the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) to mark World Copyright and Book Day tomorrow 23 April. The organisations warn against the continuing trend developed by media companies to use rights- grabbing contracts. Journalists who sign those contracts not only lose the right to use their works autonomously, but also the (moral) right to protect the integrity of their works. These practices allow for the same work to be used many times for one single payment…

EFJ workshop: Fair contracts for quality journalism, 30 May Brussels

In the framework of the project “Rights and Jobs in Journalism”, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) will organise a one-day workshop on Authors’ rights enforcement: Fair Contracts for Quality Journalism on 30 May in Brussels, Belgium. The workshop is funded by the European Commission (DG Employment). It will be linked to the European creators’ conference on 31 May, also held in Brussels at the same venue. Website of the Creators Conference can be found HERE. Agenda 30 May, EFJ seminar The workshop will discuss and offer practice tools and exchanges on the following themes: EU main trends and challenges…

Journalists at war, from Crimean War to Ukraine Crisis

This blog is based on a presentation given by Ricardo Gutiérrez, General Secretary of the European Federation of Journalists, at the University of London, 1st March 2016, as part of ‘Journalists & Commanders. Reporting in times of war, tensions and crises’.  ——————– All wars are dirty. But wars, for journalists, are fascinating. War is action. Power. Flesh, blood and guts. War reporting is also a democratic requirement. Nothing is worse than a conflict covered far from the battlefield, such as some of the war reporting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Covering a war is always challenging for journalists because of the the risk…

Turkey : Set Journalism Free

The Set Journalism Free in Turkey campaign is part of the Campaign to decriminalise Turkish Journalism , to free speech and protect work place rights project (2014-2016) which receives the financial support of the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) Program managed by the European Commission. All responsibilities regarding the contents and the actions belong to the authors only and should not be considered as reflecting the views of the European Union. > EU Progress Reports on Turkey 2015 – 2014 – 2013 – 2012 – 2011 > OSCE reports on Turkey – Regular Report to the Permanent…

SC candidate 2016 Yannis KOTSIFOS

  CV Born in Thessaloniki, Greece, in 1969, I ‘ve studied Greek Literature. Having worked as a journalist, since 1989, in both newspapers and radio, I have also edited numerous books and collaborated with various magazines, either as a contributing editor or as an editor-at-large, or as both. Since 2003 I am the director general of the Journalists’ Union of Macedonia and Thrace Daily Newspapers.   Candidate Statement   An allegiance to the ideal of European cooperation and a belief that the practice of journalism requires openness and equality are two principles that characterize the Greek Union of Journalists which…

SC candidate 2016 Patrick KAMENKA

CV Patrick Kamenka, former journalist with AFP for nearly 40 years. I used to cover the Soviet union and many war zone conflits  (former Yougoslavia, USSR, Iraq). In charge for my union SNJ-CGT on the international issues. Working on the Turkish campaign with TGS for EFJ. Member of FREG. Elected twice as Steering comittee member. Reserve member from 2013-2016. Candidate Statement I stand for solidarity – good quality journalism – better rights for journalists The EFJ is facing crucial challenges because of the increasing concentration of ownership in the media industry. Mainstream media are more and more linked to banks and…

SC candidate 2016 Andreas BITTNER

          CV Andreas K. Bittner (Germany), political economist, freelance journalist and author, former board member and Honorary Treasurer of Deutscher Journalisten-Verband (DJV). Since the days of the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull (April 2010) Honorary Treasurer of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) – co-founder and driving force behind the independent Association internationale sans but lucratif (Aisbl). Author of two international studies for the EFJ: “Managing Change – Innovation and Trade Unionism in the News Industry” (2011/12) and “Confronting Austerity. Financial and Employment Models in Journalism” (2014). Andreas is focusing on digitization, digital media, crowd funding and larger financial issues in the “real” and virtual world; interested…

SC candidate 2016 John BARSBY

CV and Statement After 13 years working in newspapers both reporting and sub editing I left print journalism to join BBC radio, reporting, producing, news reading and also becoming a news editor.  I then moved to Television News, also reporting and producing, and spent almost thirty years at the BBC, finishing as the editor of a daily half hour news programme serving the whole of Eastern England. I now work on a voluntary basis for the NUJ, negotiating and representing our members working at the BBC.  I am also one of the union’s three National Officers as the Honorary General…

SC candidate 2016 Mogens Blicher Bjerregård

Candidate as President   Mogens Blicher Bjerregård, 58 years, Danish Union of Journalists CV From 2015: Freelance 1999-2015: President of the Danish Union of Journalists 1997-1999: Consultant at the Danish Union of Journalists 1993-1997: Chair of the chapel of journalists at Danish Broadcasting Cooperation 1984-1993:    Working as journalist at TV, newspaper and radio 1980-1984: Student at and graduated from the Danish School of Journalism in Århus   International: 2013-2016: EFJ: President of the European Federation of Journalists 2007-2010: IFJ: Member of the Executive Committee of the International Federation of Journalists 2014-2018: IPDC: Member of the Council and Bureau of the…

Highlights of EFJ Freelance Expert Group (FREG) meeting

On 19 November, the EFJ organised its biannual Freelance Experts’ Group (FREG) meeting, in which participants from 8 European countries discussed EFJ activities, national developments regarding freelance activities and ideas for the  future working programme to be adopted by next year’s EFJ General Meeting. Below is a snap shot of the main topics debated by the participants. EFJ issues & activities Results of the survey “Mapping Freelance Journalists” : Please click HERE for more information. The Rights and Jobs in Journalism EFJ project debriefing : The Dublin Freelance conference on atypical workers, which was organised in September 2015 by the National union of…

EFJ-IFJ-TGS address journalists and trade unionists’ perspective for the upcoming EU-Turkey’s relations

The European and International Federations of Journalists (EFJ-IFJ) and their affiliate the Journalists Union of Turkey (TGS) reviewed the implications for journalists and trade union rights following the victory of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) in the re-run of Turkey’s national elections this weekend, during a Press briefing at the Brussels Press Club, 5 November 2015. Anthony Bellanger IFJ General Secretary said that : “Before Sunday’s elections, to be a journalist in Turkey wasn’t easy but now it will be even more difficult. Turkey was the biggest prison for journalists in Europe with around 20 journalists still held in prisons…

EFJ survey reveals precarious working conditions of journalists working for digital media in Europe

What kind of conditions, such as contracts or salaries are online journalists working under? Are they satisfied with their jobs? What needs to be improved and what role can the union play to enhance the working conditions of journalists in digital media? The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) has launched a survey aiming to get a better overview of their working conditions and ways to protect their interests through unions/associations.The survey reveals a dangerous trend where many online journalists face precarious working conditions. Among the 231 respondents, 62% said they worked overtime and over 50% of them do not have a full-time employment…