Georgia: Family Values Bill imposes censorship on media 

The undersigned international press freedom, journalists and human rights organizations strongly condemn Georgia’s recently adopted Family Values Bill. This legislation imposes censorship on media by banning broadcasters from freely reporting on LGBT+ issues. The Georgian government must stop its legal attacks on press freedom and freedom of expression.  On 17 September, Georgia’s Parliament adopted the Family Values Bill in its third reading, with 84 MPs voting in favour. The Bill is part of a legislative package titled “On Family Values and the Protection of Minors,” which proposes amendments to 18 existing laws, including the Law on Freedom of Speech and…

Speakers for June Webinars “Trust in media: Trends Skills and Training in Journalism”

On 23 and 24 June, the EFJ is holding another series of webinars as part of the “Trust and Quality in Journalism” Project. For the agenda and more information, click here. You can register for Day 1 here and for Day 2 here. Below, the pictures and short bios of our experts: Day 1 Jan Siebert holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) with a focus on Human Resource Management and Consulting. He joined Deutsche Welle (DW) in 2016 and is responsible for designing, producing and implementing training programs and e-learning courses and supporting the programming department in strategic personnel…

EFJ to join MFRR press freedom mission to Slovenia

The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) will hold an online mission to Slovenia at the end of May and beginning of June 2021 to assess growing concerns about the deteriorating climate for press and media freedom over the past year. The virtual fact-finding mission will be led jointly by the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and the International Press Institute (IPI), in partnership with the Slovenian Journalists’ Association (DNS). MFRR partner organisations ARTICLE 19, European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), Free Press Unlimited (FPU) and the Osservatorio Balcani  Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT) will join along with representatives from other…

Serbia: The government must support media freedom

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today joined ARTICLE 19 and the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) in launching a report detailing the findings of a recent online fact-finding mission to Serbia. The report followed an international advocacy mission to Serbia, led by ARTICLE 19, that took place virtually from 29 January to 2 February 2021 in partnership with MFRR members and the Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (NUNS). The mission was joined by EFJ, the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), International Press Institute (IPI), Free Press Unlimited (FPU) and the Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT). The Center for Human Rights –…

EFJ-EU Webinar: Good and bad reporting practices on Muslims and Islam

On 7 May, the second session of the EFJ series of webinars on improving media reporting on Muslims and Islam took place online. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and the Directorate-General of the European Commission for Justice (DG JUST) welcomed Pedro Rojo, president of Al Fanar, and Diane Kemp, professor of Broadcast Journalism at Birmingham City University and former BBC journalist, to discuss good and bad reporting practices with the participants. The exchange revolved around the questions of how to avoid stereotypes and sensationalism and how to create compelling and relevant stories without resorting to them. To watch the recording…

Croatian President verbally attacked HRT journalists

On 6 May 2021, Croatian President Zoran Milanovic insulted journalists working for the Croatian public broadcaster HRT, accusing them of being “tricksters”, “mercenaries” and “an embarrassment to the country”. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joined their affiliates in Croatia, the Union of Croatian Journalists (SNH) and the Croatian Journalists’ Association (HND), in condemning the verbal attacks. Milanovic was on an official trip to participate in the session of the City Council of Split when he gave a statement to the media, which soon escalated into an argument with HRT journalists over the choice of guests in another HRT show…

EFJ calls for an ambitious European Media Freedom Act

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joins the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners in welcoming the idea of a European Media Freedom Act, advanced by European Commissioners Thierry Breton and Věra Jourová.  In recent years, we have witnessed the staggering politicisation of the media in a small but growing number of member states where governments have abused regulatory, economic and legislative powers to punish critical media, increase control over public service media and promote government cheerleaders controlled directly or indirectly through party loyalists.  Besides more assertive use of the means already at the disposal of the EU institutions, we…

Turkey: WPFD #BasınBelada campaign to raise awareness of journalists’ working conditions

To mark World Press Freedom Day 2021, the Journalists’ Union of Turkey (TGS) launched a new campaign that attracted a lot of attention and published the TGS Press Freedom report on the precarious situation of Turkish journalists. The TGS mass campaign, entitled #BasınBelada, could be translated to #PressinTrouble and is a play on the lyrics of a popular song by artist Ahmet Kaya, named “Başım Belada” (“I am in trouble”). Next to the #BasınBelada campaign running on social media and newspaper ads, dozens of Turkish journalists shared the visuals and over 200 billboards can be spotted in Istanbul, Izmir, Diyarbakir,…

Call for financial support open to EU-based press councils, journalists associations and media outlets

To mark World Press Freedom Day, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and its partners have just published two calls for Expression of Interest as part of the Media Councils in the Digital Age project, whose objective is to support media self-regulation bodies in addressing the new challenges of the digital age. These calls for Expression of Interest are the first step leading to the award of two grants of 15,000€ which will be provided to newly established press councils and also journalists’ associations, media organisations and/or a consortium of both based in the European Union. The financial support aims to strengthen…

#WPFD2021: Time to STAnd up for STA and independent journalism in Slovenia

To mark World Press Freedom Day on May 3, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) is supporting its affiliates in Slovenia, the Slovenian Association of Journalists (DNS) and the Union of Slovene Journalists (SNS) in a crowdfunding campaign to support the Slovenian Press Agency (STA), which has had its financing suspended by the government for more than four months now. The campaign comes after the Slovenian government’s communication office, UKOM, suspended payment for services provided by STA and refused to pay monthly instalments for STA services for October and November 2020. This refusal jeopardises the professional and editorial independence of the national press agency, which has so…

WPFD: EFJ calls on European governments to take action

On World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) on Monday 3 May, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) has stressed the need for concrete actions from European governments to defend and protect media freedom. 69 journalists are currently in prison in Europe, just for doing their job. The EFJ calls on states to fulfil their commitments and obligations to protect journalists and media independence and pluralism. The recent report by the Council of Europe’s Platform for the Protection of Journalism shows a worrying deterioration in the working conditions of journalists across Europe: more than 200 serious press freedom violations were recorded in…

What’s up for World Press Freedom Day in Europe

After a year in lockdown, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and its members have observed a clear deterioration of press freedom in Europe. The facts are indisputable: according to the annual report of the Council of Europe’s Platform for the Safety of Journalists published on Wednesday 28 April 2021, 201 alerts were recorded, an increase of 40% compared to 2019. In particular, the number of physical attacks on journalists and media workers, as well as the cases of harassment and intimidation reached a record level. Nevertheless, journalists’ trade unions and professional associations have stepped up their work throughout 2020 to…

Report: strong deterioration of media freedom in Europe

The European and International Federations of Journalists (EFJ-IFJ) contributed on Wednesday to the launch of the annual report of the Council of Europe Platform to promote the protection of journalism and safety of journalists. The report shows a very serious deterioration of media freedom in 2020 across Europe. The Council of Europe Platform today published its annual report, “Wanted! Real Action for Media Freedom in Europe.” The report calls on the Council of Europe and its 47 member states to show political will to address deteriorating press freedom in the region, based on an overview of media freedom violations reported to…

Two Spanish journalists killed in attack on convoy in Burkina Faso

Two Spanish journalists who were reported missing on Monday were found dead today in the eastern region of Fada N’Gourma-Pama, according to the authorities in Burkina Faso and Spain. 44-year-old David Beriáin, a veteran TV journalist and founder of 93 Metros and cameraman Roberto Fraile were in a convoy carrying both security forces and civilians, which came under attack from unidentified gunmen near the Pama reserve. The journalists, reportedly accompanied by an Irish conservation worker who was also killed, had travelled to the region as part of their production about the protection of natural parks. In a statement, the Communications…

EFJ-EU Webinar: How to counter anti-Muslim narratives in the media

On 23 April, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) kicked off a series of webinars aiming to improve media reporting on Muslims and Islam. Funded by the European Commission (DG Justice), the webinar has gathered 24 professional journalists and media practitioners from across 12 EU and candidate countries. The first session focused on common mistakes or misconceptions regarding Muslims’ and Islam’s media representation and consequences thereof were discussed. First, introductory speeches were delivered by EFJ General Secretary Ricardo Gutiérrez and Tommaso Chiamparino, the European Commission Coordinator on combating anti-Muslim hatred. “Journalists’ organisations have a duty to promote professional ethics, quality journalism,…

Germany: Media houses join code to better protect journalists

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joins its German affiliates, the German Journalists Association (DJV) and the German Journalists Union (dju in ver.di), Reporters without Borders and two other organisations, in calling on publishers and broadcasters to do more to protect journalists from violence and threats. On 22 April, the German affiliates presented a code of conduct for media houses, which is to serve as a basis for measures to be taken. The code presented last Thursday was developed by advisory and journalists’ organisations, including DJV and dju in ver.di. Among others, it includes the recommendation to appoint a fixed contact person per…

Greece: Support to Documento journalist Kostas Vaxevanis

On 26 April 2021, Documento publisher and journalist Kostas Vaxevanis was given increased police protection after the Athens Prosecutor’s Office ordered a preliminary investigation into information received by Vaxevanis about a murder contract issued against him. The European and International Federations of Journalists (EFJ/IFJ) joined their affiliates in Greece, JUADN, in welcoming the police action and expressing support to Kostas Vaxevanis. Publisher of Documento newspaper and journalist Kostas Vaxevanis has publicly stated that he fears for his life after receiving several credible information that he was a target since 6 April. The police increased protection for Kostas Vaxevanis and the…